SADC - Early Market Engagement for the redevelopment of Telford Court, St Albans to a Registered Provider - 2301100

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Works)
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18 Sep 2023
not specified



St Albans

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
St Albans City & District Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


St Albans City and District Council (SADC) is carrying out PPME in relation to engage with Registered Providers of Social Housing (RP's) to explore options for the redevelopment of the Telford Court housing site by either:1. disposal of the site to a Registered Provider (RP); or2. entering into a joint venture between the Council and a Registered Provider.The Council would like to discuss how this site could be redeveloped to re-provide as much affordable housing (including housing at social rent levels) as possible. The Council is therefore carrying out a soft market testing to engage in early informal dialogue with potential providers, prior to any formal procurement process being initiated. The Council is particularly looking to explore what the RP market can offer and to discuss and review any proposed solutions or ideas for the future of this site.

Total Quantity or Scope

St Albans City and District Council would like to engage with Registered Providers of Social Housing (RP’s) to explore options for the redevelopment of the Telford Court housing site by either:(a) disposal of the site to a Registered Provider (RP); or (b) entering into a joint venture between the Council and a Registered Provider. Telford Court is a housing site consisting of 81 homes and is the city’s only high-rise residential block (11 storey) as well as neighbouring maisonettes and some garages. Built over 50 years ago, Council staff and Councillors have concluded that the age and structure of the 1960s building means the changes needed to bring the building in line with new safety regulations are impossible. As such it has reached the end of its purposeful life. The Council would like to discuss how this site could be redeveloped to re-provide as much affordable housing (including housing at social rent levels) as possible. The expectation is to maximise the number of new social rented homes and to create an appropriate tenure mix to achieve this. … There may be a requirement for the Registered Provider to take ownership of and fully manage and fund the demolition of the existing buildings on the site, as part of the redevelopment of the Telford Court site. This is something that the Council would like to discuss with Registered Providers as part of the soft market testing process. Through the soft market testing exercise, the Council would like to determine the most feasible of the two options a) - disposal of the site for housing redevelopment or b) – enter into a joint venture to redevelop the site.As there is no readily available solution for the redevelopment of the site, the Council will be looking to discuss and explore what the new housing scheme could look like, in regard to - the tenure mix, number of new homes, design etc. The Council is looking to work with a Registered Provider that will help determine the best future use of the site, as well as deliver the redevelopment (demolition, design and build).The Council will consider any feedback received to help inform the Council’s options and further decision-making. For the avoidance of doubt, this stage of the project is not part of a formal procurement process, and the Council is not committing, at this stage, to carrying out this process.Participation or None Participation in the PIN shall not prevent any provider participating in the potential future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of the PIN shall place any provider at an advantage in the potential procurement process.Participation in the PIN will be at the RP’s own cost. No expense in responding to this PIN will be reimbursed by the Council.

CPV Codes

  • 45111000 - Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
  • 45211100 - Construction work for houses
  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 70333000 - Housing services
  • 70111000 - Development of residential real estate


Other Information

This PIN notice is not an invitation for a formal expression of interest, nor the commencement of a formal procurement procedure. The Council is issuing this PIN for the purpose of seeking Registered Provider's that wish to take part in a soft market testing exercise.The closing date for responses is Friday 13 October 2023. It is the intention of the Council to host pre-market engagement meetings in November 2023 either virtually or in person at the Council’s offices in St Albans. These pre-market engagement meetings are for information purposes only.Registered Providers that would like to participate in the soft market testing exercise will be able to access a questionnaire using the following link: 1: Create Account / LoginStep 2: Search for SADCStep 3: Locate title of Project: SADC - Early Market Engagement for the redevelopment of Telford Court, St Albans to a Registered Provider - 2301100Step 4: Click into Project and Express an InterestStep 5: View documents on 2nd tab. The following documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge:1. Site Map2. Questionnaire;3. Non-Disclosure AgreementThe following documents are available upon receipt of a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement, free of charge:1. DRAFT design work including the planning Pre-ApplicationYou are asked to please express your interest in attending a pre-market engagement meeting by sending a message via eProcurement Portal (via Supply Hertfordshire) including:1. Completed and signed non-disclosure agreement 2. Details of the persons you would like to attend together with the job titles of the proposed Attendees.The Planning Pre-Application information will be made available to participants who have provided an a signed and dated Non-Disclosure Agreement to the Council.At the pre-market engagement meeting, you will be invited to provide your answers to the questionnaire. All information provided in the questionnaire responses and the subsequent discussions will assist the Council in shaping and scoping requirements and provide insight into the most suitable delivery model for this programme. The Council does not have a firm intention to award contract(s) at this stage.Any information provided by participating Registered Providers will be non-binding on either party. Please flag any commercially sensitive information so the Council may keep this confidential from other participants of this PIN exercise. The Council reserves the right to use and share any information obtained during the course of this exercise with other parties interested in any procurement exercise that follows this soft market testing exercise. This PIN does not constitute a call for competition to procure any services, supplies or works for the Council and the Council is not bound to accept any proposals offered.

