Installation of Solar PV Panels and Battery Storage
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- 5 month
- Value
- £129K
- Sector
- Published
- 18 Sep 2023
- Delivery
- 01 Nov 2022 to 31 Mar 2023
- Deadline
- 22 Aug 2022 15:00
1 buyer
- Braunstone Town Council Leicester
1 supplier
- Energy Efficient Solutions Group Bracknell
TENDERS ARE INVITED from suitable contractors for the installation of Solar PV Panels and Battery Storage at Braunstone Civic Centre and Library* and at Thorpe Astley Community Centre including: 1. proposed installation designs; including fixings to the roof and roof support structures; 2. estimated system production and consumption (similar to the reports enclosed); 3. estimated savings; 4. estimated lifespan; and 5. ongoing maintenance requirements and estimated costs. * installation at the Library is subject to a third party agreement (please break down in tender). Valid tenders must include details of 1-5 above along with the tender price and must be delivered enclosed in a plain, sealed envelope, endorsed "Tender - Solar PV Panels" and addressed to the Office of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk, Braunstone Town Council, Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester, LE3 2PP, no later than: 4pm on Monday 22nd August 2022
Award Detail
1 | Energy Efficient Solutions Group (Bracknell)
CPV Codes
- 09330000 - Solar energy
- 45261215 - Solar panel roof-covering work
- 51110000 - Installation services of electrical equipment
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
For further questions on the tender requirements and background information and reports, please contact the Office of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk, on 0116 289 9270 or Note: Canvassing of Members or of any committee, directly or indirectly, for any Contract with the Council shall disqualify the Contractor for such appointment. If an applicant for any appointment or Contract with the Council is to his/her knowledge related to any Member of, or the holder of any office under the Council, he/she and the person to whom he/she is related shall disclose the relationship in writing to the Chief Executive & Town Clerk. A Contractor who fails to do so shall be disqualified for such Contract, and, if appointed, may be dismissed without notice. Braunstone Town Council's Climate Change & Environmental Strategy Braunstone Town Council's Climate Change & Environmental Action Plan Information on invitation to tender, including background documents Tender Notice, including specification and background information Solar PV Panels - Tender Notice July 2022.pdf Survey of Braunstone Town Council's buildings - potential of installing solar PV Solar Audit.pdf Structural loading survey of the roof condition of the recommended locations for the installation of solar PV panels Structural Loading Review Report.pdf Carbon Audit of Braunstone Town Council Braunstone Town Council Carbon Audit 2022 (for Publication).pdf
- 2022/02
- CF eb4e1d56-212b-4f5f-a67f-713c41918f0a