Void Property Repair Service Contract 2024

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
07 Oct 2023
03 Apr 2024 to 02 Apr 2028
07 Nov 2023 13:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The London Borough of Hillingdon (Hillingdon) invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors in relation to entering into an agreement (the Contract) to provide a comprehensive Void Property Repairs Service (the Service) for a four (4) year period with the option to extend for a further two (2) plus one (1) years. The contract will be split into 4 Lots as follows: - Lot 1 North (Area A) being the North of the borough. - Lot 2 Central (Area B) being the Central part of the borough. - Lot 3 South (Area C) being the South of the borough. - Lot 4 Reserve back up Contractor (All areas) Please see the Lot Breakdown by Area document for details of number of properties and postcodes within each Lot. Workstreams to be included within each Lot are as follows: - Void Property Works - Responsive Maintenance (including Emergency Works ordered during Normal Working Hours), - Disrepair Works, - Out of Hours Emergency Works The Service is to be provided to Council properties with an estimated volume of circa 600 voids per year, but the Council does not provide any guarantee or assurance in respect of the annual value or volumes of work generated under this contract or geographically where these voids will occur. Each property is within the boundary of the London Borough of Hillingdon and will vary in size. The London Borough of Hillingdon retains the right not to award Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 or the Reserve Lot to one single contractor. If the Council determines that they wish to have different Contractors for each Lot and If the same Contractor is ranked 1st in multiple Lots, they will be given the option to select which Lot is their preference with the other Lots being awarded to the 2nd ranked Contractor in that Lot. The London Borough of Hillingdon retains the right to award some, all or none of the Lots available. The Contract is predominantly for general building fabric repairs in all trades to Hillingdon's properties and dwellings including outbuildings in accordance with the Employers Requirements. The types of works ordered will generally include but not limited to those as stipulated within the Employers Requirements document.

CPV Codes

  • 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The London Borough of Hillingdon is inviting all interested organisations to tender through the Council's nominated electronic tendering portal, www.capitalesourcing.com Please register on the above portal where the tender documents for this project can be downloaded.

