Media literacy training for professionals who work with children

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
0.5 year (est.)
09 Oct 2023
To 06 Apr 2024 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers
Shout Out
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

2 suppliers


We have identified a gap in Continuing Professional Development related to media literacy for professionals supporting children and young people. This ITT sets out our requirements for media literacy training for professionals who work with children. Through this process we will commission the delivery of two lots of training. We require the development of two training courses for the following professions: • Lot 1: Education and youth professionals • Lot 2: Children’s health, social work and community professionals

Lot Division

1 145000.00

Lot 1 - Education and youth professionals … Training may be delivered online or in person. In order to be effective, it should: • have a focus on improving media literacy outcomes for children and young people • be underpinned by robust evidence and expertise • include collaboration and expert challenge • be sustained over time (e.g. a minimum of two sessions that build on each other) (These principles are adapted from the standards for effective professional development, DFE 2016.)

2 145000.00

Lot 2: Children’s health, social work and community professionals … Training may be delivered online or in person. In order to be effective, it should: • have a focus on improving media literacy outcomes for children and young people • be underpinned by robust evidence and expertise • include collaboration and expert challenge • be sustained over time (e.g. a minimum of two sessions that build on each other) (These principles are adapted from the standards for effective professional development, DFE 2016.)

Award Detail

1 Shout Out (London)
  • Provision of Media literacy training for professionals who work with children Lot 1 Education and Youth
  • Reference: ecm_1100
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £141,608
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Stem4 (London)
  • Provision of Media Literacy Training for Professionals who Work with Children Lot 2 Health, Social Work and Community
  • Reference: ecm_1101
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £132,688

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 80521000 - Training programme services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

We are particularly interested in reaching professionals who support children eligible for pupil premium payments, with mental health challenges, or with experience of care. We require organisations to demonstrate their experience of delivering effective training for the professionals they aim to work with. It is likely that your organisation has already developed a media literacy training programme, although it may require some adaptation to meet the purpose of this tender. Organisations may tender for more than one of the lots if they have relevant experience with the targeted professionals. A minimum of 500 professionals should be trained within the period of this contract. Organisations may charge for training, using the budget from this contract to subsidise places. Training will be required to outline the outcomes that will be met for the professionals being trained and the children they work with. We will expect to see at least one competence from the Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration or Digital content and creation areas of the DigComp framework ( met through the training.

