NHS Devon Integrated Care Board (ICB) Provision of Services for Out of Hours GP Support to Devon Community Hospitals (South and West Regions)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1 year
10 Oct 2023
02 Dec 2023 to 01 Dec 2024
24 Oct 2023 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NHS Devon Integrated Care Board (ICB) seeks to commission a Provision of Services for Out of Hours GP Support to Devon Community Hospitals - South and West Regions. The service will be provided to patients residing as in-patients in the following Devon Community Hospitals. West Devon Tavistock Hospital, Spring Hill, Tavistock Kingsbridge Hospital, Plymouth Road, Kingsbridge South Devon Brixham Community Hospital, Greenswood Road, Brixham Dawlish Community Hospital, Barton Terrace, Dawlish Newton Abbot Community Hospital, West Golds Road, Jetty Marsh, Newton Abbot Totnes Community Hospital, Coronation Road, Totnes Aim / Purpose of Service To provide urgent (as opposed to emergency or routine) primary care support to Devon's Community Hospitals during the out-of-hours period where it is required, and the patients' needs cannot be appropriately met in the in-hours period. Hospital staff will be able to seek the advice of a clinician, who will arrange for a GP to attend the hospital to undertake a face-to-face assessment if clinically indicated. This is likely to include (but not be limited to): • Patients who have had an acute deterioration and it is not clear or appropriate to directly admit to hospital. • Patients at or nearing end of life who require an urgent medical review Hours of Operation The hours of the service will be as follows: • Weekday Evening/Overnight On-Call Shift: 18:00 to 08:00 • Weekend Saturday On-Call Shift: 08:00 to 08:00 • Weekend Sunday On-Call Shift: 08:00 to 08:00 • Bank Holiday On-Call Shift: 08:00 to 08:00 A full specification and list of defined requirements and outcomes are available to view once registered on the Atamis e-procurement portal. Further detail on registering on Atamis is provided below. Contract Terms The Initial contract duration will be for 6 months with an optional extension of up to 6 months with services due to commence on the 2nd of December 2023. Financial Envelope There is a set Finance Envelope of £190,000 per annum. The Financial envelope is £95,000 for the initial 6 months and then up to a further £95,000 for the up to 6 months extension. The envelope is exclusive of VAT as the service is exempt. Contract. The Commissioner will be contracting for the services using the NHS Standard Clinical Contract (long form) 2023/24 version. The draft Contract can be found within the ITT documents within Atamis and Bidders must carefully study these documents to ensure they are familiar with the obligations on them should they be awarded a Contract. The closing date for submissions is 12 noon on the 24th of October 2023

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Atamis: Interested providers will be able to view this notice via the 'Live Opportunities' list on the e-procurement system, Atamis, available on the following link: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome Please search for the project "NHS Devon ICB Out of Hours GP Support to Devon Community Hospitals" or contract reference C216033 The services are healthcare services falling within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77). The tendering process will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and flexibilities provided by Articles 74 to 76 of the Directive, and Regulations 74 to 76 of the Regulations. The Authority will run a transparent tender process, treating all Bidders equally. For the avoidance of doubt, the Authority will not be bound by the Regulations or the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or any other regulations or legislation except for the specific parts or circumstances that apply to the procurement of these Services. Neither the inclusion of a Bidder selection stage, nor the use of any language or terms found in the Directive or Regulations, nor the description of the procedure voluntarily adopted by the Authority ("Open", "Restricted", "Competitive Procedure with Negotiation", "Competitive Dialogue" or any other description), nor any other indication, shall be taken to mean that the Authority intends to hold itself bound by the Directive or Regulations, save by the provisions applicable to services coming within the scope of Annex XIV of the Directive / Schedule 3 of the Regulations. The Contracting Authority intends to voluntarily observe the award decision notices provisions and 10 day standstill period described in Regulation 86 of the Regulations Atamis e-procurement link https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome

