Yorkshire Water AMP8 Smart Meters

A Contract Addendum Notice

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Contract (Supply)
5 year (est.)
11 Oct 2023
To 26 Jun 2029 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) are looking to set up a Framework Agreement with a partner(s) who have a proven track record of providing Smart Network Services to support with our move to Smart Metering. This will support the delivery of our AMP8 2025-2030 plan, with the potential to extend to the delivery of our AMP9 2030-2035 plan. This requirement will be for the following services: - Network Provision - Supply of smart meters - Install, exchange and maintenance services - Meter reading activity in support of the AMI contract (Optional) - Financing of the metering programme (Optional) All services are as required to meet our service level agreements for customer meter data. Yorkshire Water require a Partner(s) to manage all of the IOT infrastructure required to support smart meter SLA's and for the successful partner(s) to take responsibility for all asset management activities relating to the IOT network. The IOT network need not be exclusive to Yorkshire Water.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. II.2.4 2 Description of the procurement

All of the requirements listed within Lot 1 apply, with the additional requirement below: - Funding of the meter replacement programme (Lot 2 Option) o Yorkshire Water want to explore the option for a third party funding the meter exchange programme, with Yorkshire Water repaying the investment over the lifetime of the contract, through a service fee or similar. o The offering must be compliant with Yorkshire Water accounting standards and the regulatory framework o Offerings such as lease liability, off balance sheet or similar are expected, minimising Yorkshire Water Capital outlay. Supplier(s) are allowed to bid for both the funded and unfunded framework options. Suppliers will be asked to demonstrate their competency of working with the partners they bid together with. Bidders are able to submit multiple bids with different combinations of suppliers. It is proposed to have a primary award with one party or multi- entity party, with a secondary option, should the primary entity not meet their requirements under the agreement. To express an interest and receive an invitation to the selection stage, please contact david.archer@yorkshirewater.co.uk no longer applicable

3. II.2.4 1 Description of the procurement

Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) are looking to set up a Framework Agreement with a partner(s) who have a proven track record of providing Smart Network Services to support with our move to Smart Metering. This requirement will be for the following services: - Network Provision o IOT network providing data as a service with SLA regime across the whole Yorkshire Water metered customer base. o Maintenance of IOT network for uptime and SLA attainment o Integration of data into Yorkshire Water Corporate systems - Supply of smart meters o Across a range of sizes and fittings types, which can log data to the Yorkshire Water data requirements and transmit data through an IOT network. The solution must be market ready and tested for deployment at the beginning of 2025. o The solutions must have an excellent asset life, including battery for functionality of ~15 years+, as well as meeting other YW specification requirements. - Meter exchange programme o Planning, scheduling & customer appointments o Removal and disposal of existing end of life meter and exchange with smart meter, both for externally and internally located meters o Working with the Non Household retail market to deliver meter exchanges to business customers o Undertake a limited number of meter installations, where previous metering chambers and ancelleries are not inplace o Data capture and integration into YW corporate databases o Quality control of work and accountable for delivering prescribed meter exchange numbers per year - Meter maintenance and reading services (Optional add on service) o Maintenance of meter assets to achieve SLA's, such as meters which are not connecting to the IOT network as expected o Undertaking meter reading for AMI Meter's where sustained SLA underperformance occurs o Meter reading capability for a wider Yorkshire Water customer meter asset base (including ad hoc provision of meter reading for short term requirements), in an optional additional service provision, potentially incorporated within the framework - Funding of the meter replacement programme (Lot 2 Option) o Yorkshire Water want to explore the option for a third party funding the meter exchange programme, with Yorkshire Water repaying the investment over the lifetime of the contract, through a service fee or similar. o The offering must be compliant with Yorkshire Water accounting standards and the regulatory framework o Offerings such as lease liability, offbalance sheet or similar are expected, minimising Yorkshire Water Capital outlay. All services are as required to meet our service level agreements for customer meter data. Yorkshire Water require a Partner(s) to manage all of the IOT infrastructure required to support smart meter SLA's and for the successful partner(s) to take responsibility for all asset management activities relating to the IOT network. The IOT network need not be exclusive to Yorkshire Water. The network planning and delivery should be in place to allow for confirmation of network connectivity at the point of meter install. As such significant IOT network coverage should be installed after contract award and ahead of the programme of exchanges starting in 2025. Yorkshire Water want a partner to understand our meter exchange and install programme requirements, and optimally design and deliver the required meter volumes in agreement with Yorkshire Water. The Programme should be designed to efficiently deliver the volume requirements of the contract, as well as provide an excellent customer service and enable high quality data capture for ongoing asset management and maintenance activity. The customer journeys for differing meter sizes, meter types, customer types and meter location, will be collaboratively created, with significant input and ownership from the Suppliers in designing a successful end to end process for delivery. Yorkshire Water require the Meter provider to be able to supply the required specification of meters, to the volume commitments within the meter exchange programme. The meters must have high life expectancy standards and be underpinned with a 12 year+ warranty for parts and battery. The meter hardware provider will work collaboratively with the install/exchange partner to manage meter stock levels and the continued pace of programme delivery. The meter maintenance & reading supplier must be able to work with Yorkshire Water and IOT network provider data sets to provide maintenance of AMI meters, where network connectivity is not suspected to be the route cause of asset under performance. Further they will underpin the IOT network providers SLA for data success rate, by acting as a fallback to undertake AMR/manual meter reading where meters have had continued under performance against contract SLA's. The bidding entity is expected to comprise of one or multiple parties, that form a joint bid, with the Network Provider being the lead bidder within Lot 1. Supplier(s) are allowed to bid for both the funded and unfunded framework options. bidder. Suppliers will be asked to demonstrate their competency of working with the partners they bid together with. Bidders are able to submit multiple bids with different combinations of suppliers. It is proposed to have a primary award with one party or multi- entity party, with a secondary option, should the primary entity not meet their requirements under the agreement. To express an interest and receive an invitation to the selection stage, please contact david.archer@yorkshirewater.co.uk

CPV Codes

  • 32430000 - Wide area network

Other Information

Yorkshire Water are seeking a relationship with a single Supplier. Where a partnership, Alliance or similar is required to deliver the end to end service requirements, Yorkshire Water require a lead bidder to be identified, whom the contractual relationship will be established with. Suppliers are able to bid in multiple partnerships. Lot 2 has been removed from this process.

