Soft Market Testing for Building Design Consultancy Services

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Works)
not specified
12 Oct 2023
not specified



UK, Remote and Bracknell

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


As part of the appointment, the consultant will be expected to designate a Programme Lead who be required to be MRICS. The Programme will be supported by a number of Programme Managers each of work streams under this contract. The consultant shall provide; Construction advice relating to current and future projects, including over the interfaces between the Council and central government. Asset Management advice, and the Consultant will be expected to advise on aspects of the Councils’ Corporate Asset Management Plan, and the Asset Management Plan for its Children Young People & Learning department. The Consultant will provide advice on the Councils’ Estates Strategy including its Education Estates Strategy The Council operates a Category Management approach to procurement of key services one of which is Capital Construction. The Consultant will provide advice and guidance on aspects of the Capital Construction Category Strategy including on opportunities for securing best value from aggregating compatible procurement. The Consultant will also advise the Council on aspects of its Capital Programme including options appraisals and feasibility studies. The Consultant will also advise the Council on the property & construction aspects in updating and delivering the Councils’ Medium-Term Objectives. Provide asset valuations in the recognised form including insurance, current market and asset register. Produce lifecycle costs in respect of existing buildings and proposed construction projects. Undertake development appraisals of sites where required to identify opportunities including feasibility and cost reporting of options. Any other property or construction related matters requiring strategic advice and guidance. Programme Manager – One Off Capital & Planned Works Schemes The Consultant will provide a named Programme Lead who will perform this role for the duration of the contract under the planned works programme. Continuity is essential to ensure smooth delivery of the programme. The named individual will be suitably qualified, trained, experienced and knowledgeable to manage the delivery of the Programme. CV’s of proposed Programme leads will need to be provided In addition, the named individual will have the following skills: • Programming • Construction project management • Identify constraints • Balancing quality, time and cost • Management • Monitoring • Problem solving • Decision making • Intervention • Finance

Total Quantity or Scope

Project Management The Consultant will provide a nominated Project Manager for each project to provide construction project management and contract administration. This will include the following as required. Manage Stakeholders: Project Managers will identify and co-ordinate the input of all relevant stakeholders into the project, ensuring they are aware of their obligations to meet the programme and project objectives. Project Managers will also facilitate and organise consultations with stakeholders, including children & young people, users and neighbours including devising appropriate means of participation on a project-by-project basis. The Project Manager will be expected to provide an organogram for each scheme so that all stakeholders are known to the team. Manage the Brief: Briefs will be developed for all projects and Project Managers must own and fully understand the brief and project objectives set by the Council. They will manage the development of the brief, including distinguishing between essential and desirable features, and manage input into the brief by stakeholders. They will interpret and communicate the brief, which will include where necessary accommodation schedules and room data sheets for accommodation/facilities to be provided. A sample Record of Briefing document will be provided to the new consultant for review and incorporation. An outline programme will also be provided at Briefing stage and developed as the scheme progresses. Manage the Design: The Project manager will commission all necessary design functions through the Consultant’s supply chain and where necessary outsource any specialist work to external organisations, all in good time to meet planning, procurement and construction deadlines. Project Managers will chair and clerking design team meetings with users, and obtaining user and Client sign off to the agreed designs prior to procurement. Project Managers will manage and co-ordinate the interfaces between the councils M&E with FF&E and ICT Manage the Programme: Project Managers will take responsibility for and be accountable for overall progress against the agreed programme and initiate corrective action where necessary. They will manage critical and noncritical elements using critical path analysis and set project milestones including signing -off key stages such as design. Project Plans must be realistic and achievable by all parties and be monitored against an agreed baseline for each project. Project managers will control this process, ensuring critical supplier lead in time is built into the project plan and identifying and implementing opportunities for advancing the programme. They will also identify and mitigate potential slippage against the programme and ensure the programme is circulated to all relevant parties. This is a Key Performance Indicator for the Consultant. Manage the Budget: Project Managers will ensure that projects are delivered within the agreed budget, and this is a Key Performance Indicator for the Consultant. This includes accurate cost planning to set realistic budgets and then robust management of the contract including contingency and PC sums. Project Managers must manage user pressures and expectations on budgets and specifications and avoid scope creep, including robust management of change control. Project managers may be required to negotiate on behalf of the Council with Contractors to ensure value for money for the Council in the cost of the construction work in all its elements. Manage the Works on Site: Project Managers will chair the pre-contract meetings, site meetings and handover meetings. They must ensure there are sufficient measures in place to safeguard users and other people on site and ensure full compliance and that all necessary statutory consents are in place. Users must be fully informed and involved in the works on their site and the Consultant will ensure there is efficient and effective co-ordination between users and contractors on health & safety and working arrangements. Manage the Contractor: Project Managers will be the first point of contact for the contractor and will manage all interfaces with them on behalf of the Council. This includes issuing instructions, variations and valuations in the recognised contractual form and dealing with any EOT or other claims. Project Managers must ensure full compliance with the Councils’ safeguarding requirements including obtaining CRB disclosure numbers and dates for contractors’ staff, and that the contractor and their sub contractors also comply with the Employers Requirements. There must be timely provision of information to contractors to prevent delays to the programme or claims. Manage Change Control: Project Managers will manage the Change Control process and ensure all change control measures are followed and signed off prior to changes being implemented. Manage Post Implementation Reviews: After handover Project Managers will facilitate Post Implementation Reviews (PIRs) for all projects in a form to be agreed with the Council. This will include input from the Client, users, contractor and consultant to produce a balanced and consensus view of performance. The Consultant will apply learning points from previous PIRs to future projects. Procurement • Prepare and agree with key Council stakeholders, including the Head of Procurement: o Procurement Plan o SQ o Full set of ITT documents

Renewal Options


CPV Codes

  • 45100000 - Site preparation work


  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

None None

