Water Treatment Management Services (Domestic and Commercial)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
20 Oct 2023
18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2028
19 Dec 2023 14:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Efficiency East Midlands
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


This Framework will provide EEM Members with a compliant route to procure domestic and commercial Water Treatment Services. The Framework will include but not limited to the following Water Treatment Services: Water System Risk Assessments will include the following services: • Legionella Risk Assessment, Written scheme of examination • Reporting and Recommendations on results Water hygiene monitoring and remedials services will include but not be limited to: • Legionella Control - works associated with the water monitoring and maintenance programme for the prevention of legionella for domestic hot and cold-water services. • Water System Monitoring - Recording of water temperatures, recording of the condition of cold-water storage tanks and hot water calorifiers. • Legionella Sampling and Analysis - Provision of labour for drawing off and bottling sample. • Cleaning and Disinfection of Water Storage Tanks, Upgrade Cold-water Storage Tank. • Clean and Chemically Disinfect Hot Water Systems • Replace Existing Cold-water Storage Tank and Chemically Disinfect the System • Correct operation of thermostatic mixing valves together with corrective measure • Removal of Dead Ends and Dead Legs on Hot and Cold-water Systems • Removal of Generic Flexible Hoses on Hot and Cold-water System (excludes Flexes incorporated into tap design). • Maintaining a water hygiene logbook specific to the site • Thermostatic Mixing Valves Installation/Replacement • Delivery to UKAS accredited laboratory Bidders are to ensure that they can provide all services covered by the framework as we will not be dividing this tender into workstream specific Sub lots. For further in further information please visit https://www.delta-esourcing.com/ and complete the standard questionnaire via access code N5866YR7NB and to view the tender documents via Tenderbox access code XW8P63ZN28, It is expected that a maximum of 8 Contractors may be appointed onto each of the geographical Sub-lots Water Treatment Services Sublot 1 Midlands Sublot 2 National Ensuring that all our member's requirements are covered taking into consideration the range of locations our members are located in.

CPV Codes

  • 50510000 - Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) is a not for profit consortium which establishes and manages a range of framework and DPS agreements. Our membership has now grown to 320 public sector organisations including housing associations and ALMO's, Local Authorities, NHS trusts, Education Providers, Blue Light Services, Government Agencies and Charities. EEM have also established a formal collaboration with 3 like-minded procurement consortia -Westworks, South East Consortium and Advantage South West. The membership list for these three consortia may be obtained from the following web site addresses: (https://www.westworks.org.uk) (https://www.southeastconsortium.org.uk) (https://www.advantagesouthwest.co.uk) EEM are conducting this tender exercise to procure a Water Treatment Management Services (Domestic & Commercial) Framework to replace our existing Framework which will expires in March 2024. The Framework will provide EEM Members with a provision for their Water Treatment Management Services covering both Domestic & Commercial but not limited to, carrying out Water Risk Assessments, Water Monitoring and all types of Remedial works to help members deliver safe water supply. The Framework agreement will be for a period of 48 months, running from Monday 18th March 2024 to 17th March 2028. It is expected that a maximum of 8 Contractors may be appointed onto each of the geographical sublots, Water Treatment Services

