Recruitment and Training of High Potential Trainees into Teaching - Further pre-procurement Market Consultation

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
06 Nov 2023
01 Jan 1 to 01 Jan 1
17 Nov 2023 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Department for Education is continuing market consultation on a potential future commercial opportunity to design, develop and deliver a two-year high quality and innovative initial teacher training and leadership development programme. The first cohort will start the programme from September 2026 with recruitment starting by the end of October 2025. Key programme objectives are to: - attract high potential graduates and career changers into teaching and - train them to be highly skilled teachers and emerging leaders making a positive impact on teacher supply and pupil attainment in schools serving areas of greatest need across England. At a high level a Potential Supplier(s) of the programme would be required to deliver an end-to-end service encompassing: - Attracting high potential graduates and career changers - Recruiting, selecting and retaining specified numbers of participants per cohort - Developing and delivering a high-quality employment based Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme in conjunction with accredited ITT providers, enabling programme participants to meet the Teachers' Standards and achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) - Developing and delivering a leadership development programme that is integrated into the programme - Providing opportunities for programme participants to form and maintain networks to support the programme objectives - Developing and maintaining a strong network of schools in areas of greatest need across England to provide sufficient high-quality employment-based placement opportunities. The Department is interested in consulting with organisations with relevant experience, insight and interest in being a potential lead supplier, consortium member or key supply chain partner. This could include organisations with experience of graduate recruitment and training or employment-based teacher training. We are inviting market consultation on the following aspects to shape our evolving programme design, delivery model and commercial strategy: - Aspects of the draft specification - Potential performance indicators - Commercial approach - Financial mechanisms - Potential bidder information requirements

CPV Codes

  • 80300000 - Higher education services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services
  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Interested organisations should register on our Jaggaer e-procurement portal to access the document titled "Attachment 1 - HPITT Information Memorandum" for an outline of the requirements and details of this phase of market consultation. Whilst we are inviting market feedback on future aspects of the programme specification and commercial approach, organisations may find it helpful to be familiar with the current programme. Registering against this project opportunity you can also access "Attachment 2 - Key Information about the current programme". A redacted version of the current contract (including current specification) is publicly available via the link below. The purpose of this notice is to continue market consultation to inform the programme design, delivery model and commercial strategy. Our market consultation objectives are to: 1. Continue to raise awareness of the potential future procurement process and to enable organisations to feed in their views and engage with each other on how a future contract could be procured and delivered. 2. Communicate the programme priorities and create opportunity for the market to comment on potential aspects of the contract. This will assist the Department in structuring the requirements to enable innovation to maximise achievement of programme objectives. 3. Consult on the commercial approach, structure and financial mechanisms that will inform how the Department scopes the requirements, and the potential procurement procedure. We intend to run a market engagement event and provide the opportunity for commercial in confidence 1:1 sessions between interested suppliers and the Department. We also plan to invite written feedback following the event. Who is the consultation aimed at? We welcome continued engagement with organisations who responded to our previous market notice as well as other organisations who are interested. Organisations with specialist expertise against key elements of the requirement and who may be interested in potential key supply chain, specialist contract or consortium opportunities are also encouraged to engage. When is the event planned? We have provisionally identified 24 November 2023 for the market engagement event. Please express your interest using the link above and indicate your preferred format. In the interest of fairness, attendance will be limited to 2 people per organisation. Contact sharing: It is common for interested organisations to ask for contact details of other attendees following an event to explore potential collaboration opportunities. We are adopting assumed consent in sharing attendee names and email addresses after the event. You can opt out during the registration process. Further information and how to contact DfE: - Register on our Jaggaer e-procurement portal for access to documents and updates regarding this engagement opportunity and to use secure messaging with the Department (link to the portal home page below, click: View Opportunities) - Once registered you can access "Attachment 1 - HPITT Information Memorandum" for more information on this phase of market consultation. - You can also access "Attachment 2 - Key Information about the current HPITT Programme" - A redacted version of the current contract is viewable on the Contract Award Notice linked below To note: this is not a call to competition and the Department is not bound to enter any procurement activity because of it. The Department is not committing to undertake any formal commissioning activity resulting from this notice although we may use the information gathered to support any future commercial activity. Register your interest in attending our market engagement event DfEs e-procurement platform - Jaggaer. Click View Opportunities and register interest against the SSQ linked from the opportunity to access Attachment docs with further information. A redacted version of the contract (including current detailed specification) is viewable on the Contract Award Notice Teacher recruitment and retention strategy (2019) - GOV.UK Mandatory requirements that organisations must meet to provide Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and is updated at least annually. ITT Criteria from 2024/25 incorporates new Quality Requirements as part of the ITT Reforms.

