A Multi Provider Framework Agreement for Integrated Service Providers (ISP) and the Provision of Member Data Services Primarily in Support of the Local Government Pension Scheme

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year
07 Nov 2023
To 27 Feb 2028 (est.)
18 Dec 2023 14:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 8 buyers and 0 suppliers


Norfolk County Council ( As Administering Authority of the Norfolk Pension Fund), on its own behalf and on behalf of the Authorities listed in this notice wish to establish a multi-lot, multi-provider framework agreement for the provision of Integrated Service Providers and Member data Services to be available to all LGPS Funds and other bodies as defined in the Find a Tender Contract Notice.

Lot Division

1 Integrated Service Providers (ISP)

Suppliers must be able to deliver a fully compliant, functional, operational and audited always-on Integrated Service Provider solution for connection to the Pension Dashboard MaPS digital architecture and eco system.

2 Address Tracing and Correction Services

Provision of UK address tracing and address correction services.

3 Mortality Screening Services

Provision of mortality screening services for deaths registered in the UK.

4 Overseas Address Tracing and Correction Services

Provision of overseas address tracing and address correction services.

5 Overseas Proof of Life and Mortality Screening Services

To provide proof of life checks to be carried out, and/ or provide mortality screening services for deaths registered overseas.

6 Bank Account Verification

To provide verification of members bank account details in real-time.

7 Data Quality Reporting for Pensions Dashboard Readiness

To Provide data quality and/or dashboard readiness services.

CPV Codes

  • 66520000 - Pension services
  • 66523100 - Pension fund administration services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** In addition to those listed above, the framework may also be used by: • any LGPS administering authorities as defined in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/2356) (as amended) including the firefighters' pension scheme and police pension schemes and any of their participating employing authorities, or in relation to the LGPS in Scotland, any administering authority and any of their scheme employers as defined in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland)Regulations 2018 (SSI 2018/141) (as amended); • NILGOSC in Northern Ireland and employing authorities as defined in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 SRNI/188 (as amended) • the Board of the Pension Protection Fund (http://www.pensionprotectionfund.org.uk) • any other administering authority or organisation of a public sector pension scheme or any public sector body or that requires pension related services; • any common asset pool or collective investment vehicle established by or on behalf of an administering authority or group of administering authorities; or any bodies, organisations or companies established by them for the purpose of operating on a collective basis.

