The Provision of Quality Assurance Monitoring for DWP Housing Benefit Assurance Process

A Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency (VEAT) Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
22 Nov 2023
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Department for Work & Pensions
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


DWP is seeking a supplier able to access and review accountancy firms carrying out Housing Benefit Assurance Process (HBAP) engagements to provide independent challenge, and bring cross sector experience of best practice to bear in support of the DWP Housing Benefit Assurance Team.

Total Quantity or Scope

The quality assurance engagement is expected to fall into two broad areas of work: - the development, issue and review of a questionnaire to test accountancy firms are using correct versions of HBAP modules, and adequate internal controls are in place within each firm to ensure the correct and consistent application of HBAP. This may involve a review of supporting evidence such as internal documentation and guidance for Reporting Accountants and management checks. The supplier may undertake visits to individual accountancy firms in order to carry out the reviews. - to sample a selection of HBAP reports and supporting working papers from the accountancy firms to ensure HBAP modules are being fully and correctly completed, and findings from the HBAP testing are being fully and accurately reflected in HBAP reports as per the DWP’s testing instructions contained within HBAP Modules. This may require site visits to accountancy firms, but should not entail visits to individual Local Authority's. (LA's) The intention is to run an annual exercise to review HBAP. The HBAP process concludes each year on 30th November which is the statutory deadline for completed HBAP reports and amended subsidy claims to be submitted to DWP by accountancy firms and LAs. The contract length covers a period of 2 years and 4 months – this includes 3 audit reporting periods. After consideration and due diligence, we are proposing to award this contract as a single tender to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) as we believe that there is not an active market of Regulatory Bodies with the powers or capacity to undertake this work. We believe that the ICAEW are the only viable supplier for this area of work, given that they are the Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB) for all of the audit firms undertaking HBAP testing, and have the delegated authority to carry out local audit work on behalf of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). The FRC website states that “Monitoring of … [these types of] statutory audits is delegated by the FRC to Recognised Supervisory Bodies under a series of Delegation Agreements”. For the purposes of local audits the two bodies that hold these delegated powers are the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), and the ICAEW. ICAS have confirmed that they do not believe they have responsibility for undertaking any quality monitoring work in respect of firms for which they are not the registered RSB. ICAEW are the registered RSB for all of the audit firms eligible to undertake HBAP testing, and for all of those who have been appointed by LAs.

Award Detail

1 Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (London)
  • Housing Benefit Assurance Programme
  • Value: £232,117
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

CPV Codes

  • 79212300 - Statutory audit services


Other Information

Suppliers Instructions: How to Express Interest in this Tender: 1. Register on the eSourcing portal (this is only required once): & click the link to register - Accept the terms & conditions & click 'continue' - Enter your correct business & user details - Note your chosen username & click 'Save'. You will receive an email with your password (keep this secure) 2. Express an Interest in the tender - Login to the portal with the username/password - Click the 'PQQs / ITTs Open To All Suppliers' link. (These are Pre-Qualification Questionnaires or Invitations to Tender open to any registered supplier) - Click on the relevant exercise to access the content. - Click the 'Express Interest' button at the top of the page. - This will move the PQQ /ITT into your 'My PQQs/ My ITTs' page. (A secure area reserved for your projects only) -You can now access any attachments by clicking 'Buyer Attachments' in the 'PQQ/ ITT Details' box 3. Responding to the tender - Click 'My Response' under 'PQQ/ ITT Details', you can choose to 'Create Response' or to 'Decline to Respond' (please give a reason if declining) - You can now use the 'Messages' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification - Note the deadline for completion. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the PQQ/ ITT - There may be a mixture of online & offline actions to complete (detailed online help available). To submit your reply use the 'Submit Response' button (top of the page). For further assistance please consult the online help, or the eTendering help desk. DWP expressly reserves the rights(i)to use a reverse auction; (ii)to cancel this procurement at any stage; (iii)to not award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; (iv)and in no circumstances will DWP be liable for any costs incurred by potential suppliers.

