NHS South Yorkshire ICB Barnsley place : Teledermatology Service

A Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency (VEAT) Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
08 Dec 2023
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Barnsley place (the ‘Authority') intends to extend a contract for a teledermatology service without competition during the period 31st March 2024 to 1st September 2024 to the incumbent provider as detailed below:Ozone Health (formerly Clinical Partnership) , The Octagon, Hesslewood Hall, Ferriby Road, Hessle, East Yorkshire, HU13 0LHThe contract value is currently £138,480.00 per year (actuals January 2022 to January 2023 is £197,448).

Total Quantity or Scope

The ICB intention is to undertake a full procurement process in 6 months that will include other Place based activity and demand within the tender and not just Barnsley population. It will include the additional provision of a Consultant Delivered suspected cancer referral triage and image capture that will be initiated by primary care . The current situation is that the ICB is working on the feasibility of procuring one provider across the ICB. Currently Doncaster place has a contract in place that is until February 2024, but it can be extended until September 2026. Sheffield has no commissioned teledermatology service in place but wishes to commission a provider after undertaking a cost benefit analysis process and working on implementing the new pathways. The ICB wishes to pursue procuring one provider but at this time are at various stages of readiness to start the tender process and cannot meet Barnsley current contract end date. Undertaking a tender process for a contract for 5 months would not be an efficient use of the public purse or the time allocation required by bidders to tender. In order for all places to be at the same stage the ICB is issuing a VEAT notice and moving back the tender process timelines. This will allow the ICB to robustly calculate how the transfer of the cancer triage activity to an external provider, can release activity and financial efficiencies. Plus have calculated the correct activity assumptions. It will also reduce the risk of gap in service delivery due to a short one-month mobilisation period if the current April 2024 timeline for a new contract to begin still remains . As the new time scale will allow the ICB to incorporate a four-month mobilisation period into the process plus undertake a detailed and thorough review of the current service reasons for continued growth. As part of this review it is likely some aspects of the current service will be redesigned to reflect and meet the needs of the service and within the new service specification. This will also guarantee best use of the service whilst ensuring demand is managed at an appropriate level together with the best use of public funds.

Award Detail

1 Ozone Healthcare (Hessle)
  • Value: £138,480

CPV Codes

  • 85121282 - Dermatology services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

