WFD Georgia - Invitation to Tender - Ex-Ante RIA and GIA for Climate Law of Georgia

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
3 month
08 Dec 2023
26 Dec 2023 to 31 Mar 2024
20 Dec 2023 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Parliament of Georgia, through WFD's support, leads the Climate Law drafting process with a novel approach implying drafting and publishing consultative green and white papers prior to starting legislative drafting. Such approach provides an unprecedented possibility for all interested stakeholders to be involved in the consultation process. Green Paper on Climate Law was prepared, and public consultations carried out during March - June 2023. Following reception of comments and suggestions on the Green Paper, the next consultative document - White Paper has been drafted and published. Public consultation process and meetings on White Paper will last till the end of December 2023. Following the publication of White Paper, the team of national and international experts have been engaged for drafting Climate Law of Georgia. The first draft to be prepared by the end of December 2023. Therefore, WFD intends to commission an in-depth Ex-Ante Regulatory Impact Assessment including Gender Impact Assessment of draft Climate Law of Georgia. Scope of work The supplier will prepare in-depth RIA and GIA including an economic, financial and gender impact analysis of the draft climate change law of Georgia. The assessment shall include several (at least two) scenarios with various policy options, and among other assessments shall monetize the benefits and costs of the draft climate change law of Georgia. The RIA/GIA shall be conducted by intersectionality approach answer the following questions: • What is the essence of the problem and why it is deemed as a problem? What is the gender relevance of the problem? • What evidence is there to support the problem statement? • Who are the stakeholders impacted by the problem? What are the policy objectives of the intervention? Is the intervention intended to contribute to gender equality? What gender equality issue or problem is being addressed by this intervention? What are the existing gender equality objectives in this field? • Is it necessary to intervene? What gaps or harms would occur if government doesn't intervene? • What are the outcomes and intended effects of the intervention? How is the intervention intended to contribute to gender equality? Is the planned intervention addressing the needs of both women and men, considering their different interests, roles and positions? • Can the intended outcomes of the intervention be described in a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-limited (SMART), or similar, way? • what are the costs and benefits of policy / intervention alternatives (options)? • What is the best alternative to solve the problem? How can the best alternative contribute to the needs of women and men be strengthened? • What is the monitoring and evaluation plan for the best alternative? Please refer to the full invitation to tender document for details on how to apply.

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • 98132000 - Services furnished by political organisations
  • 98133000 - Services furnished by social membership organisations
  • 98200000 - Equal opportunities consultancy services
  • 98510000 - Services of commercial and industrial workers
  • 98900000 - Services provided by extra-territorial organisations and bodies


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

WFD Georgia_Invitation to Tender_Ex-Ante RIA and GIA for Climate Law of Georgia.docx

