HAC5906 Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
7 year
18 Dec 2023
01 Aug 2024 to 31 Jul 2031
30 Jan 2024 12:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers

3 buyers


The Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Service (the “CYPHW Service) is London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ core, universal public health service for children and young people aged 5-19 (or up to 25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The CYPHW Service aims to coordinate and deliver public health interventions to promote, protect and improve children and young people's health and wellbeing. It brings together the Healthy Child Programme, sexual health, and substance misuse services in a single holistic service for children and young people when and where they need it. Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Service - This open tender is divided into 2 lots (providers can bid for both or only one 0 **LOT ONE ** - Enhanced Public Health Nursing Service (EPHNS): A universal and targeted service for children and young people aged 5-19 (25 with SEND) with two service elements supporting health, education and other partners working together across a range of settings to enhance the life chances of children and young people. o 5-11 service model (branding TBC) delivering the nationally mandated Healthy Child Programme to primary school children. o 11-19 service model known as ‘Safe East’ delivering the nationally mandated Healthy Child Programme, sexual health promotion and treatment and substance misuse prevention and treatment to young people in secondary schools and community settings **LOT TWO** Enabling Community Health Outcomes (ECHO): A dedicated function to support the Lot 1 Provider with system leadership, co-production, evaluation, research, and culturally appropriate communication resulting in an innovative service that reflects and meets local need.

Lot Division

1 Enhanced Public Health Nursing Service (EPHNS)
  • Duration: 7 year
  • Value: £14M

LOT 1 Enhanced Public Health Nursing Service (EPHNS): The Lot 1 shall be delivered in two service elements: • 5 -11 service model (branding name TBC) o Children aged 5 -11 in full time education in primary school (Year Reception - Year 6). o Children in mainstream schools, academies and educated other than at school. • 11-19 service model (Safe East) • Young people aged 11-19 in full time education in secondary school (Year 7-Year 11) in mainstream schools, academies, Pupil Referral Units and educated other than at school. • 19-25 year olds who are known to be particularly vulnerable to poor health, including young people in care, young people leaving care, those with Special Education Needs or Disability and those not in education, employment or training. • The sexual health offer shall extend to all young people aged 19-25 years old. (See table 1 in Appendix 2 for breakdown of eligible age groups) Children who are 4 years old but have not yet started Reception year are not eligible for the service, but the service may opt to contact families in this period for school-entry preparation activities e.g. health assessments. 3.2 Lot 1 Schools not included in the service School nursing arrangements for independent schools and its pupils are not included within the scope of this CYPHW Service unless Independent Schools opt to buy in to the CYPHW Service for an annual cost. The Lot 1 Provider and independent school shall sign a working agreement which outlines the services to be provided. School nursing arrangements for LBTH special schools are not included within the scope of this CYPHW Service and shall be delivered by Barts Specialist School Nursing Team. 3.3 Service wide mobilisation and implementation A timely and well-co-ordinated mobilisation shall be essential. The Provider shall establish and deliver a robust implementation plan and shall include a series of milestones associated with four broad stages, i.e. what shall be achieved by the: • Service Commencement Date (1st August 2024) • Within the first 6 months after the Service Commencement Date (1st February 2025) • 12 months after the Service Commencement Date (1st August 2025) • At the end of the Initial Term (1st August 2027) At an absolute minimum, the mobilisation plan shall need to consider: • arrangements for recruiting staff (including TUPE). • establishment of IT systems to support service delivery. • communications to share with school and partners on the service offer. • policies and protocols to be adopted, drawing on good practice elsewhere. • establishing a service level agreement between the Lot 1 Provider and the Lot 2 Provider setting out the terms of agreement by which the CYPHW Service shall be delivered. • establishing information sharing agreements to assist in ensuring that information is shared in accordance with information governance requirements. • development of the digital health needs assessment. The Provider and the Commissioner shall agree delivery dates for each of the above requirements which shall be in place before the Service Commencement Date (1st August 2024).

2 Enabling Community Health Outcomes (ECHO)
  • Value: £3M

LoLot 2 is designed to reduce health inequalities by focusing on building community capacity and resilience through system leadership, social value benefits, innovation, evaluation, co-production and child and young person-centred care. The Lot 2 Provider shall work closely with different communities in Tower Hamlets to understand how the CYPHW Service can work most effectively to improve child and young people health and wellbeing. This shall include an ongoing process of dialogue to understand health issues, test health promotion messaging, develop service models, and ensure that the service and staff are culturally competent. This is an innovative part of the Service with the intention to learn and develop through implementation. The Commissioner shall work with the Lot 2 Provider to agree the annual deliverables throughout the Contract Period as it is anticipated that these shall continuously change to reflect the evolving needs of children and young people in the borough. 5.1 Service scope The Lot 2 Provider shall act as a community connector for the CYPHW Service, facilitating collaboration within the local system to deliver the best quality of care possible to children, young people, and their families. The objectives of the Lot 2 Provider are to lead Service delivery in: • facilitating system leadership and partnership coordination – identifying champions at all levels to drive change. • developing and implementing community centred engagement and co-production recognising and building on what is already going on, using methods such as local asset mapping. • using community insights to inform service improvements by embedding co-production in organisational governance. • providing supported employment opportunities, including apprenticeships and work experience. • engaging in participatory research. • developing and implementing effective communications to deliver health promotion messages and promote the Service. • encouraging innovation via digital solutions. • coordinating the You’re Welcome Accreditation scheme. • supporting a School Nurse Ambassador project providing students with an opportunity to become more involved in how the service is delivered. The Lot 2 Provider shall develop and maintain a service level agreement defining the function and deliverables to support the Lot 1 Provider with service delivery in line with Lot 2 Provider’s service scope. This shall be reviewed on an annual basis and agreed with the Commissioner at the start of each contract year, embedding learning and practice from the previous year. 5.2 Facilitate system leadership and partnership coordination The Lot 2 Provider shall demonstrate and deliver a strategic and long-term ambition for strengthening the CYPHW Service that is shared and communicated with partners. Whole systems working recognises that there is no single solution to address complex public health issues; a coordinated, collaborative approach is needed, aligned to a ‘health in all policies’ approach. This approach shall be led by the Lot 2 Provider who shall support the Lot 1 Provider and act as a leader placing itself in a strong position to scale up community-centred approaches across local systems and act pro-actively in managing local challenges, exhibiting strong leadership in the context of multi-agency working and discussions. The Lot 2 Provider shall be responsible for supporting the CYPHW Service with systematic issues that influence service delivery. This includes a concurrent focus on the system’s wider capacity including CYPHW Service representation, communication, co-production, governance, quality assurance, research, and evaluation. The Lot 2 Provider shall use its position within the borough to support coordination of a system response to pressures and risks on the CYPHW Service. This may involve the development of new pathways and process, sourcing of new clinic spaces, etc. To support coordination and planning, the Provider shall have access to: • Data on the health of the population including health inequalities • Benchmarking data (statistical neighbours, regional and national) • Local insight and reports on service and service user concerns The Lot 2 Provider shall support the Lot 1 Provider to develop participation structures which are vital for engagement and joint decision making. This shall include locality forums, council wide meetings and meetings with other partners. The Lot 2 Provider may be asked to represent the Service at meetings where direct input from the Lot 1 Provider is not available, so the Lot 2 Provider shall be familiar with the annual workplan, deliverables, challenges and working practices of the CYPHW Service. The Lot 2 Provider shall lead work with wider system partners in multidisciplinary teams to lead action to address the social determinants of health including but not limited to housing, education, environment, crime & safety. 5.3 Develop and implement community centred engagement and co-production The Lot 2 Provider shall build on the engagement work undertaken by the commissioners and establish a delivery framework that continues to promote co-production. This shall include activity such as: • further development of the service models, operational policies, and protocols. • recruitment of Lot 1 Provider staff, to develop a workforce that reflects the local community at all staffing levels. • management and review of the quality of the service, utilising peer review. • involvement in the management and governance structures for the service e.g. via a Children’s/Young People’s Board. • information on the service for children, young people, and their families. The Lot 2 Provider shall support the Lot 1 Provider to develop and implement community-centred engagement and co-production approaches applying the five most important principles: • bold leadership to adapt radical approaches to reduce health inequalities. • collective bravery for risk-taking action and a strong partnership approach that works across sectors and gives attention to power and building trusting relationships with service users and partners. • co-production of solutions with service users and partners, based on new conversations with people about health and place . • recognising the protective and risk factors at a community level that affect people’s health, and how these interact with wider determinants of health. • shifting mindsets and redesigning the system, aligned to building healthy, resilient, active, and inclusive communities. The Lot 2 Provider shall use the Lot 1 Provider’s clinics and drop-ins to access children and young people for co-production as well as identifying opportunities outside of these set times and venues. 5.4 Innovation via digital solutions The Lot 2 Provider’s digital lead shall support the Lot 1 Provider to deliver a culturally appropriate local digital offer and lead on innovative practices; e.g. implementing a fit for purpose system for schools to support pupils with medical conditions and digital presence for service users and system partners (see 3.15), identifying and submitting bids for external funding to support with innovation service delivery and development. 5.5 Communication and marketing strategy The Lot 2 Provider shall support the Lot 1 Provider to deliver a marketing campaign to promote the CYPHW Service across the borough. This shall be presented to and agreed with commissioners during the mobilisation phase. This shall be followed by a culturally appropriate communications strategy which includes: • how the strategy shall be developed in consultation with children and young people and/or their parents/carers as appropriate. • how communications with other professionals and partner organisations including schools and school governors shall be tailored and delivered. • the use of varied methods of communication e.g. texting, apps, ChatHealth and tweets as well as written and verbal communication with children, young people and families on an individual and group basis. • how leaflets, website and other materials are evidence based, and suitable for the intended recipients, including assessing the reading age of materials and considering whether materials shall be available in languages other than English. • health promotion and public health information for children, young people and families is co-ordinated with, and complements information provided by other organisations. • marketing of the service; producing, implementing, reviewing, and reporting on the effectiveness of the annual marketing plan. The Lot 2 Provider shall lead on the development of the ‘5-11’ brand which shall include an appropriate name agreed with the Commissioner. The Provider shall ensure that the offer for children aged 5-11 and all marketing, communications and service delivery is branded with the agreed name when delivering to children both in schools and in the community. The Lot 2 Provider shall ensure that the offer for young people aged 11-19 shall be Safe East (as opposed to the Provider’s name) and all marketing, communications and service delivery is branded as ‘Safe East’ when delivering to young people both in schools and in the community. The Lot 2 Provider shall liaise with the Council’s communications team when responding to media enquiries. The Lot 2 Provider shall notify the local authority’s communications team in advance of any significant service activity such as key promotional events or other newsworthy activities.

Award Criteria

Quality is 100% 70% Method Statements 20% Interview & presentation 10% Social Value 100.0

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services
  • 85300000 - Social work and related services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

