Architectural Services Appointment

A Contract Addendum Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
26 month (est.)
06 Jan 2024
01 Apr 2024 to 30 May 2026 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Architectural Services RIBA Stages 1-7 and acting as Lead Designer

CPV Codes

  • 71220000 - Architectural design services

Other Information

Tender Clarification Number 7 following tender queries. Q1. Do you have an intended RIBA stage programme? A1. The Appendix H Pricing Schedule contains an indicative Timeline across the RIBA stages but this is subject to further development and external influences such as (but not limited to) funding, planning permission and listed building consent. Q2. Are you happy to have a mixture of online meetings and in-person meetings? A2. It is anticipated that meetings will be a mixture of on site and remote subject to the workstream stage and requirements. Q3. We note in the DRM the Architect is producing the design and access statement(s) - not the planning/heritage. We would assume for the heritage that most of the report writing would be by the specialist. A3. The Planning / Heritage Consultant services is currently published for tender separately on Find a Tender. It includes the following requirement "The Planning and Heritage Consultant will be expected to develop a holistic planning / heritage strategy encompassing all relevant workstreams, and working with the design team, lead the liaison with the relevant authorities to ensure the strategy's realisation". Also the Scope of Services sets out a requirement for them to provide a Planning statement. Q4. We note the inclusion of stages 0-1 where there is typically significant emphasis on briefing (including a feasibility study) - yet the scope seems quite well defined - how fixed/developed is the brief, and what level of optioneering is expected at this stage? A4. The intention is for the appointed Consultants for each discipline to start from RIBA stage 0 to ensure completeness of review and ensuring the brief from each workstream going forward is fully understood and verified. So whilst the outline Employers Requirements may have been described in the proposed scope some of the workstreams may need a study and offer of alternative proposals / options. Q5. Is there a requirement for BIM level 2? A5. Whilst collaborative working is anticipated and common sharing of CAD information expected no specific requirement for BIM have been set. Q6. Procurement - For clarity, there are three separate appointments/procurements for the three phases, is this correct? A6. No - 1 appointment for Architect Lot 1 (with the workstreams identified) and 1 appointment for Architect Lot 2 (with the workstreams identified). The grouping of the workstreams on the Pricing schedule is to facilitate the funding reporting. Q7. Scope 7.1 Are we correct in assuming the procurement will be traditional as opposed to D&B. A7. As detailed in the ITT / Pricing schedule it is anticipated that the building contracts will be let as single stage traditional procurement (with Contractors Design obligation for the elements set out in the DRM). Q8. Scope 7.7 Monitor the compilation of 'as constructed' information. 7.14 Prepare the 'As constructed' information - We assume general responsibility rests with the architect as per a traditional contract, but with contractor's input for CDP items - is this correct? A8. As detailed in the ITT / Pricing schedule it is anticipated that the building contracts will be let as single stage traditional procurement (with Contractors Design obligation for the elements set out in the DRM) so yes the general responsibility rests with the Architect with support on CDP elements by the Contractor. Q9.Looking at the programme - there seems to be insufficient allowance for planning/listed building consent and the front end seems quite compressed for what is being asked. Would you like us to price against your programme, or against the programme as we see it unfolding? A9. The Appendix H Pricing Schedule contains an indicative Timeline across the RIBA stages but this is subject to further development and external influences such as (but not limited to) funding, planning permission and listed building consent. Your tender should reflect the workstreams set out and the indicative timeline is issued for assistance only and open to interpretation by the tenderers and adjustment as they see fit. Q10. What will the anticipated meeting/site attendance be during the design and construction phases? A10. It is anticipated that meetings / site attendance will be a mixture of on site and remote subject to the workstream stage and requirements with the focus at construction stage being more site related. The scope of services identifies the roles to be covered at each stage.

