Development of Relationship Violence Prevention education programme

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4.5 month
08 Jan 2024
13 Nov 2023 to 31 Mar 2024
03 Nov 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Engaging Education
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Please download the accompanying tender document (Request for Quotations) to support responding to this tender. The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership (VPP) is a Home Office-funded Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). VRUs exist to lead and co-ordinate the local response to preventing and reducing serious violence utilising a public health approach to work with local partners. The Humber VPP is seeking an experienced provider to support the development of a pilot programme of 'Relationship Violence Prevention' for young people. The key deliverables of this tender will be support to: • develop, test and refine a programme for Relationship Violence Prevention education • co-produce and design content and lesson plans with school staff and young people • develop materials and approaches for schools and their leadership teams to embed RVP learning • establish a peer network within schools, amongst PSHE teachers to provide ongoing, peer-to-peer support and learning • develop approaches and materials to support those displaying controlling tendencies This work will be carried out: • in collaboration with key education, health and justice partners • within (at least) four secondary schools across the Humber; one in each of the following local authority areas • for school years 8 to 10 (ages 12 - 15 years) Following a pilot phase of delivery to pupils (which may be led by school staff and/or the provider's staff), the materials produced will be refined as necessary and packaged into a toolkit for dissemination and wider use by schools. The supplier should: • have expertise in relation to the subject of healthy relationships between young people of secondary school age • have experience of co-production with teachers and young people • be trauma informed This work will produce: • Co-production of materials and content with schools and young people, packaged into a toolkit for dissemination • A final report including an executive summary and recommendations • A presentation of the findings to partners This work does not include ongoing in-school delivery by the supplier of Relationship Violence Prevention. The tender seeks support from an appropriately qualified organisation to develop materials and a toolkit to enable PSHE and school staff to confidently deliver their own quality teaching on Relationship Violence Prevention. The document contains the Technical Questions and space to complete tender responses. The document should be returned to the email included by no later than midday on Friday 3 November. The deadline for receipt of any requests for clarification is 1200 hours on Monday 16 October 2023. The duration of the contract will be four months. Work must begin in November 2023, and as far as possible should be completed by 31 March 2024. Details of the pricing schedule and the evaluation criteria are also included in the tender document.

Award Detail

1 Engaging Education (Wakefield)
  • Value: £47,250

CPV Codes

  • 80310000 - Youth education services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Relationship Violence Prevention tender.docx

