Structural Engineering services

A Contract Addendum Notice

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Contract (Services)
26 month (est.)
24 Jan 2024
01 Apr 2024 to 30 May 2026 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Structural Engineering Services RIBA Stages 0 - 7 across multiple workstreams as described in the Invitation to Tender

CPV Codes

  • 71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services

Other Information

Tender Clarification Number 4 Q1 The C&S engineering pricing schedule does not include - CH3, FLD1, HR3, AC3 and AC4 - so no fees or involvement is anticipated in these elements - is this correct? A1 CH3, FLD1, HR3, AC3 and AC4 are not included as it is not currently anticipated that we will need Structural Engineer input Q2The C&S pricing schedule and the ITT document (p.9-11) group the elements of work differently - which is correct? A2The pricing schedule grouping is purely to help identify fees against alternative funding streams Q3The C&S project timeline does not include any time for planning applications and listed building consents - how are these allowed for? A3 The outline timeline includes works at each RIBA stage, Stage 3 includes for planning applications (listed building applications will be issued at the same time) Q4 The C&S project timeline gives short design periods - particularly for CH1 which might involve complete reanalysis of the concert hall roof - without clear time for surveys and investigations. Are we to assume that a full set of record information exists that can be used in this element of the works? A4 Previous surveys are available post appointment but further investigations and surveys may be required to ensure the information is current. The timeline is indicative and will be subject to review / adjustment when the teams are appointed Q5 On p.134 of the ITT HR2 includes biomass flue alterations, but p.10 implies that this is HR1 - which is correct? Both are workstreams included in the Civil & Structural scope - p.10 can be assumed to read HR2 Q6 The range of work we are tendering for is extremely broad - minor domestic refurbishment, reroofing, car parking, concrete repairs, concert hall roof design, creating new music facilities within listed buildings and so on - but we have only 3 projects to demonstrate our experience - how would you suggest that we approach this? A6 The value of the works against the workstreams is as follows and this should provide a guide to where the most significant experience needs to be demonstrated: CH1 £1,597,000 CH2 £1,005,364 BP1 £2,062,000 FLD2 £125,000 HR1 £497,532 HR2 £200,737 AC1 £720,000 AC2 £160,000 AD1 £60,000 AD2 £175,000 Q7 In many cases the extent of structural work is almost impossible to determine, and while you will have our resource allowances, it would be easy for people to make very different assumptions about what might be involved. Are we able to list our assumptions for each project? A7 The opportunity was available to visit site and to understand the scope extent anticipated and we have tried to identify within the documents anticipated requirements. We are not looking to make an appointment on the basis of qualified submissions Q8 The C&S projects are grouped into four workstreams. Must we assume there is a different Lead Consultant for each workstream, and therefore, even though the design stages are often concurrent, there will be separate meetings/design processes for all workstreams? A8 The C&S projects are grouped in to 10 workstreams (not 4 as suggested - the 4nr grouping relates to funding allocation). We anticipate a split of Lead Consultant as follows (noting that Architect Lot 1 and Lot 2 may be the same Consultant): Architect Lot 1 - CH1 / CH2 / BP1 Architect Lot 2 - FLD2 / AC1 / AC2 / AD1 / AD2 MEPH - HR1 / HR2 We would anticipate a meeting will cover multiple workstreams. Q9 The C&S projects are grouped into four workstreams. Must we assume that these will be tendered separately, undertaken by contractors, have separate site meeting structures and drawing issue protocols etc? A9 As advised above the grouping referred to is for funding allocation re fees only. We have 10nr workstreams anticipated with this appointment. Subject to funding, planning and listed building consent aligning we would anticipate grouping workstreams for tendering Q10 Presumably, we can assume that the workstreams will not be subdivided further than these four? A10 As above - 10nr workstreams not 4nr Q11 Some of the workstreams involve works on buildings on very different parts of the site - how will this be managed? A11 Grouping of workstreams and timing of them will be agreed to mitigate impact on site. Separate contracts / contractors are envisaged for CH1 and BP workstreams Q12 We have not noted any requirements for BIM / CAD etc. - can we assume that engineer hand sketches can be used for some of the projects as appropriate? A12 We have not called for BIM - as regards CAD we would assume that the information provided would be easily transferable / able to be coordinated by the Lead designer so whilst some sketches may be acceptable anything that needs coordinating should be in a format to easily share / integrate Q13 Note that - in the Scope of Services - we can only provide 'Final Construction Issue' not 'As constructed' information. A13 Noted - we will be looking for the Contractor to handover As Built Drawings and understand your contribution will be Final Construction Issue

