High Intensity User (HIU) Service to BSW ICB

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
2 year
26 Jan 2024
To 25 Feb 2026 (est.)
26 Feb 2024 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers


Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board seeks to commission a High Intensity Use Service to people residing within the BSW geographical footprint. The service seeks to identify, engage, understand, and support people through a person-centered approach who repeatedly and often escalate a number of presentations to the emergency departments at Royal United Hospitals in Bath, Great Western Hospital in Swindon and Salisbury District Hospital in Wiltshire (and other acute and aligned resources) and are using healthcare more than, or differently than, expected for their specific needs. The service will proactively work with a rolling cohort of people, using a person-centered, 'what matters to me' conversation and "team around the person" approach to better deliver against the agreed needs of that individual. The key objectives are: • Identify those at greatest risk of ED attendance and non-elective admissions. • Proactively work with a rolling cohort of HIU people, really understanding what they need. • Provide a de-medicalised, non-judgemental, shame and trauma informed human support to resolve any underlying social and emotional need which led to hospital attendance. • To coordinate wellbeing and connect with other services, enrolling them to help to get to the desired end. • Reduce ED attendances and avoidable non-elective admissions. • Impact positively on reducing the high intensity use of healthcare. • Reduce ambulance conveyances as a by-product of reducing ED attendances. • Improve people's quality of life. • Provide high quality and personalised interventions. • Promote self-care and health and well-being of people (health coaching) • Minimise inappropriate use of resources. • Enable people to have a positive experience of the service. • Support people to flourish through sustaining job opportunities, reconnecting with families, improving well-being etc. The initial contract term will be for 2 years, with an optional extension of any period up to 1 year. The maximum budget is £1,080,000 over the 3 year term. The annual budget for 24/25 is £360,000. The new service will commence on the 1st July 2024. This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.

Total Quantity or Scope

Desired outcomes: The service will contribute to the following overarching outcomes: • Improve health and wellbeing of our population. • Improve access and experience. • Increase overall life expectancy across our population. • Reduce impact of long-term conditions / morbidity • Reduce health inequalities. • Improve sustainability of workforce and carers … This processed is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner(s).

Renewal Options

Optional extension of any period up to 1 year.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The services are healthcare services falling within Regulation 11 of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR Regulations) and for the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) do not apply to this procurement. Interested providers will be able to view this opportunity via the live opportunities list on the 'Health Family' e-procurement system, Atamis. Click on 'View our Live Opportunities' from the home page, available on the following link: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome. Once you have found the opportunity (via the search function, using the title or reference number), to gain full access to the bid documentation (including questionnaires), you will need to click on 'Register interest' - this will take you to the log-in page. If you are not already registered on the system, you will need to do so before gaining full access to the documentation and be able to submit a bid. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.

