Hertfordshire Admission Avoidance Response Car (HAARC)

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
01 Feb 2024
not specified



Welwyn Garden City

Geochart for 3 buyers and 1 suppliers


This is a Contract Award Notice to communicate a contract award made by the Contracting Authority; Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, (hereinafter referred to as “the Authority”) in compliance with their local standing financial instructions (SFIs). On 29th December 2023, the Authority published a Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency Notice (VEAT) (Reference: 2023/S 000-038026) to inform the market of its intention to award the contract. The Authority applied a voluntary 10-day standstill period prior to conclusion of the contract. The contract award is made to East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) for the provision of Admission Avoidance Response Car (HAARC) services across Hertfordshire and West Essex. The new contract is intended to begin on 1st April 2024 and end on 31st March 2025 with the option to extend for a further 12 months. The value of the new contract is £630,121 (excl. VAT) with a maximum cumulative value of £1,260,242. The service has been in place since 1st April 2019 and has a total cumulative value of £2,889,498 (excluding the value of this new contract). This service has an MDT approach with the ICBs Care home Improvement Team working alongside the HAARC Service / Specialist paramedic team to ensure the ICB reduces the number of admissions and attendances from care homes across South and West Hertfordshire. This is a specialised service which is only available from ambulance Trusts. This is a short-term arrangement with our incumbent provider which will allow the ICB time to review the service and understand future commissioning intentions.

Total Quantity or Scope

On 29th December 2023, the Authority published a Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency Notice (VEAT) (Reference: 2023/S 000-038026) to inform the market of its intention to award the contract. The Authority applied a voluntary 10-day standstill period prior to conclusion of the contract. The contract award is made to East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) for the provision of Hertfordshire Admission Avoidance Response Car (HAARC) services across Hertfordshire and West Essex. … The HAARC service provides quick access to specialist clinical advice and support to enhance the Care Home care management plans so that patients only attend hospital if it is clinically necessary. This has reduced ambulance conveyances to A&E, unplanned admissions, and frequent use of the UEC services. The HAARC service work closely with the EEAST ambulance service to assess ambulance callouts from care homes and is complemented by admission avoidance services, such the CLCH Rapid Response Service. The service also provides bespoke training for the Care Home staff to enhance their skills. HAARC provides the following outcomes: • Reduction in ambulance conveyances to A&E from care homes. • Reduction in unplanned admissions of care home patients. • Reduction in frequent use of UEC services. • Upskilling care home staff.

Award Detail

1 East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Eeast (Cambridgeshire)
  • Hertfordshire Admission Avoidance Response Car (HAARC)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £1,260,242
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

Renewal Options

Option to extend for a further 12 months to 31st March 2026.

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

