Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Employment and Health Related Test and Learn Provision

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
31.5 month
08 Feb 2024
08 Feb 2024 to 30 Sep 2026
07 Feb 2024 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has updated the 'Dynamic Purchasing System for Employment and Health Related Test and Learn Provision' Core Terms and Schedules ("Test and Learn DPS Contract") alongside the Instructions to Potential Suppliers and Application Guidance documentation. The updates to the Test and Learn DPS Contract shall take effect on 8th February 2024. To summarise, the changes to the Test and Learn DPS Contract are as follows: - Removal/replacement of certain European Union references; - Updated security call-off schedule; - Updated data processing provisions; - Addition of an optional staff transfer call-off schedule; - Change in the sequencing of signatures in the call-off award procedure so a buyer (rather than the supplier) will sign a call-off award form second; - Change in the approach to financial standing assessments with more focus placed on a detailed assessment to be undertaken at the call-off competition stage rather than when potential suppliers apply to be admitted to the DPS; and - Consequential amendments in light of changes referred to above. DWP has also extended the anticipated duration of the Test and Learn DPS by an additional two years. The Test and Learn DPS is open ended but now has a nominal end date of 30 September 2026 (which may be extended further). The Test and Learn DPS Contract can be terminated by DWP with twenty (20) Working Days' notice. This is a Contract Notice for social and specific services in accordance with regulation 75 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended). DWP established the Test and Learn DPS to procure these activities in in England, Scotland and Wales on 9 November 2018. The DPS is for the procurement of social and other services referred to in Regulation 74 of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) and as such, the DPS was established using a light touch regime. This DPS presents opportunities for organisations, with a focus on innovation and local specialist support, to be involved and test the development of new approaches for employment and health related activity. This will be key to building evidence to support the delivery of future provision at both national and local level. DWP cannot confirm or guarantee any future business through the DPS, but it is anticipated that there will be some limited numbers of proof of concepts / test and learn projects over the duration of the DPS. The T&L DPS is open ended with a nominal end date of 30 September 2026 (which may be extended further) but can be terminated by the Authority with twenty (20) Working Days' notice. In line with the original OJEU notice, the expected total value of all call-off contracts under the T&L DPS is approximately £20,000,000. This DPS will be for the use of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), its Executive Agencies and those Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) sponsored by DWP. Originally Published in OJ / S at on 2018/S 205-468119.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

DWP Test and Learn DPS: how to register and apply https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dwp-test-and-learn-dynamic-purchasing... n/a C1 - Contract Management v2.0.pdf n/a C2 - Security Requirements v2.0.pdf n/a C3 - Welsh Language Scheme.pdf n/a C4 - Staff Transfer v1.0.pdf n/a Core Terms v3.0.pdf n/a DPS Award Form v4.0.pdf n/a F1 - Specification v4.0.pdf n/a F2 - Order Form Template and Call-Off Schedules v3.0.pdf n/a F3 - Call Off Procedure and Award Criteria v2.0.pdf n/a Instructions to Potential Suppliers DPS TL v4.0.pdf

