Burnley Bus Station Facilities Management Services

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
09 Feb 2024
09 Oct 2023 to 08 Oct 2026
11 Aug 2023 14:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Tenders are invited from organisations that have the resources, ability and experience to undertake facilities management services at Burnley Bus Station, Croft Street, Burnley. The proposed Contract period will commence 9th October 2023. The initial contract period will be for 3 years with an option to extend by a further period of 2 years in yearly increments. This opportunity is being run using The Chest portal (Proactis) www.the-chest.org.uk Reference ID: 650554 A notice has also been published on the Find a Tender Service web site Ref. 2023/S 000-019566

Award Detail

1 Zam FM (Handforth)
  • Value: £695,488

CPV Codes

  • 63712100 - Bus station services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The ITT document sets out the procurement arrangements and conditions, the schedules cover contract conditions and terms, and specification i.e. the nature and extent of of the Council's requirements and the method statements and tender pricing schedule needed to be completed as part of the tender response for the services to be provided. Bus station departure information is also included. Staff are employed by the existing service provider. They will be subject to transfer of undertakings agreements (TUPE) regulations. Bidders will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement with regards to the release of further TUPE related information. Where a contract is successfully awarded, and where property management services are transferred, the service provider will be required to consult with the existing provider and employees to enter into the appropriate TUPE agreements. The Contractor shall be responsible for the general management of Burnley Bus Station on behalf of the Council. The Contractor shall ensure that the premises and adjoining land are kept in a clean and functional condition for the duration of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the premises and for the management of bus operators. The Contractor shall ensure that a suitably qualified and experienced member of staff is present to act as General Manager at the Burnley Bus Station who shall be in attendance for a minimum of normal office hours. The Contractor shall put into place suitably qualified and experienced staff to manage specific areas of operation including but not limited to: (i) providing site and premises security; (ii) a comprehensive cleaning regime; (Ill) opening up and securing /locking of Burnley Bus Station; (iv) dealing with public transport enquiries; (v) the day to day management and overseeing of bus operations (including accurate logging of bus and coach departures) (vi) maintaining responsibility for the health and safety, within the Burnley Bus Station and the external apron for staff and that of the bus operators, their drivers and the public (vii) take such steps as are reasonably practicable to carry out 'minor' repairs and maintenance to the premises and all fixtures and fittings (viii) responsible for supervision of the bus operators and their drivers The detailed description of all requirements under this contract can be found in the ITT document & Schedules at www.the-chest.org.uk Ref DN677710.

