G-Cloud 14 Lot 4
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 1.5 year
- Value
- 1B
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Feb 2024
- Delivery
- To 25 Sep 2025 (est.)
- Deadline
- 27 Mar 2024 15:00

2 buyers
Lot 4 is designed for customers to further compete their requirements for Cloud Support Services to help them transition to cloud software or hosting services, as per the following categories: Suppliers must have capability to provide services in all of the following capabilities; Planning - the provision of planning services to enable customers to move to cloud software and/or hosting services. Setup and Migration - the provision of setup and migration services which involves the process of consolidating and transferring a collection of workloads. Workloads can include emails, files, calendars, document types, related metadata, instant messages, applications, user permissions, compound structure and linked components. Security services - Maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of services and information, and protect services against threats. Quality assurance and performance testing - Continuously ensure that a service does what it’s supposed to do to meet user needs efficiently and reliably. Training Ongoing support - Support user needs by providing help before, during and after service delivery.
Total Quantity or Scope
Quality assurance and performance testing - Continuously ensure that a service does what it’s supposed to do and meets the user needs efficiently and reliably.
Award Criteria
Quality | 70.0 |
PRICE | 30.0 |
CPV Codes
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Renewals are not available.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Award on basis of price.
Other Information
The professionals used in the delivery of these services must align with the SFIA role profiles. Lot 4 has 40 places and is for further competition only and no Direct Award is permissible. Suppliers bidding for a place in this Lot 4 will be subject to the Economic and Financial Standing (EFS) assessment as part of the Gold Standard Contract as described in the Sourcing Playbook. As part of this contract notice the following documents can be accessed at: https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/e3416f61-52df-4d9e-9ffa-6088a9... 1) Contract notice transparency information for the agreement; 2) Contract notice authorised customer list; 3) Rights reserved for the CCS framework. The Government Security Classifications (GSC) Policy came into force on 2 April 2014 and describes how HM Government classifies information assets to ensure they are appropriately protected. It applies to all information that the Government collects, stores, processes, generates or shares to deliver services and conduct business. Minimum standards of reliability: CCS may also assess whether the selection criteria (in respect of III.1.3 Technical and professional ability), as set out in the procurement documents, is met on request from a buyer prior to the proposed conclusion of a call-off contract with a value in excess of 20,000,000 GBP. In-scope organisations accessing Cloud services through the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) G-Cloud Commercial Agreements should note that suppliers on these Agreements are required to demonstrate they comply with the Government’s Cloud Security Principles. For information purposes bidders should state in question 1.46 of the selection questionnaire, if they have Cyber Essentials Plus or an equivalent which has been verified by an IASME registered Body as part of their service offer, but it is not a requirement of the Commercial Agreement for suppliers to hold this certification. As per PPN 09/23: Updates to the Cyber Essentials Scheme suppliers will be required to demonstrate they comply with the Government’s Cloud Security Principles. Some purchases under this framework Agreement may have requirements that can be met under this Framework Agreement but the purchase of which may be exempt from the Procurement Regulations (as defined in Attachment 1 – About the framework within the invitation to tender documentation). In such cases, Call-offs from this Framework will be unregulated purchases for the purposes of the Procurement Regulations, and the buyers may, at their discretion, modify the terms of the Framework and any Call-off Contracts to reflect that buyer’s specific needs. CCS reserves the right to award a framework to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position. Registering for access: This procurement will be managed electronically via the eSourcing suite. This will be the route for sharing all information and communicating with bidders. If you have recently registered on the eSourcing suite for another CCS procurement you can use the same account for this new procurement. If not, you will first need to register your organisation on the portal. Use the following link for information on how register and use the eSourcing tool: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esourcing-tool-guidance-for-suppliers For assistance please contact the eSourcing Help desk operated by email at eEnablement@crowncommercial.gov.uk or call 0345 410 2222.
- FTS 005335-2024