NNC - Treatment & Disposal of Residual Waste and Operation and Management of Household Waste Recycling Centres
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 15 year
- Value
- £248M-£255M
- Sector
- Published
- 21 Feb 2024
- Delivery
- 01 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2040
- Deadline
- 25 Mar 2024 16:00
1 buyer
North Northamptonshire Council (the "Authority") is seeking one or more suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to deliver the following services: (1) Treatment & Disposal of Household Waste; and (2) Operation and Management of Household Waste Recycling Centres. The scope of these services is further detailed in the procurement documents made available on publication of this notice and in the Lot specific descriptions further below. Bidders should note that the scope of the services may change during the life of the eventual contracts(s). Where the nature of any change is known at this time then the Authority has detailed this in the procurement documents. This procurement is being undertaken using a competitive dialogue process, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Authority's own Contract Procedure Rules. The procurement is divided into three (3) Lots as follows: Lot 1: Treatment & Disposal of Residual Waste ("Residual Service"); Lot 2: Operation and Management of Household Waste Recycling Centres ("HWRC Service"); and Lot 3 - Treatment & Disposal of Residual Waste and Operation and Management of Household Waste Recycling Centres. The Authority intends to award a separate contract for each of the Residual Service and the HWRC Service even if the same supplier is selected for Both Services. Lot 3 has been included as an optional Lot not to provide a combined service under a single contract but to enable a bidder bidding for both Lots to identify the financial saving or discount that would apply should they be appointed as the contractor for both services. Further detail on the approach to managing the Lots during the procurement process is set out in the procurement documents. For the avoidance of doubt, the Authority has not designed this procurement with the intention that the same bidder must be successful for both services. Bidders may submit for either or both of Lot 1 and Lot 2. A bidder may only submit for Lot 3 where they have submitted for both Lot 1 and Lot 2 or they have submitted for only one of Lot 1 or Lot 2 but are submitting a joint bid for Lot 3 with another bidder who has bid for the other of Lot 1/Lot 2. Final award will be made in accordance with the award criteria and evaluation approach set out in the procurement documents. If Lot 3 is awarded then Lots 1 and 2 will not be awarded (and vice versa). The Authority will apply the selection criteria outlined in the procurement documents to limit the number of bidders taken through to the dialogue stage as further detailed below and in the procurement documents. The Authority does not intend to reduce the number of bidders down during the dialogue stage by apply the award criteria. All estimated values referred to in this notice exclude VAT and indexation.
CPV Codes
- 90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment
- 90530000 - Operation of a refuse site
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
- NNC00000342
- CF 8a4fd44f-4441-40fe-976c-e75bc1e80ada