Prior Information Notice and Market Engagement for Royal Albert Docks Procurement Opportunity

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
07 Mar 2024
not specified



Hackney and Newham

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Greater London Authority (GLA) is seeking an innovative development partner to deliver a transformational new employment-led, mixed-use vision for Royal Albert Dock. The Site will establish a dynamic new employment hub, delivering a variety of uses alongside new residential development. The Site is one of London’s most significant regeneration opportunities. Located in the Royal Docks, Newham, the 12ha (30ac) Site offers up to 400,000 sqm of development potential. This unique market proposition is distinguished not only by its scale, but also the opportunity to curate a vibrant new mixed-use neighbourhood at the heart of London’s move Eastwards. Royal Albert Dock will be characterised by investment, innovation and enterprise, unlocking priority growth sectors through a resilient and diversified economic offer, supported by broader cultural, residential, education and leisure uses. Royal Albert Dock will simultaneously support thriving economic activity with an international reach - strengthening London’s reputation as a global city - whilst also delivering sustainable development grounded upon local community benefit, environmental responsibility and social value. Further details regarding the opportunity can be found in the Royal Albert Dock Prospectus, click on this link to view The Royal Albert Dock procurement opportunity is being led by the Royal Docks Team (a joint initiative from the Mayor of London and the Mayor of Newham) on behalf of GLA Land and Property (GLAP) as freeholder. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to notify the market that the Royal Docks Team plans to engage with the market before finalising its delivery structure and procurement strategy.

Total Quantity or Scope

It is anticipated the opportunity will be structured as a Master Development Partnership (MDP). The GLA and selected partner (the Master Developer) will work collaboratively with the London Borough of Newham to confirm a shared vision and delivery strategy for Royal Albert Dock. The GLA is seeking a Master Developer to take a long-term view, curating, and managing the delivery of a cohesive and compelling new masterplan, providing delivery oversight and expertise to ensure that the overall vision is maintained and delivered through individual phases and uses. They will fund (or source funding) and be the enabler of future development. The GLA does not propose to contribute to direct delivery. The Master Developer will secure planning consent, prepare and service the Site where necessary, creating plots ready for development. It is anticipated the Master Developer may take on some level of direct delivery itself where appropriate. It is not however envisaged that the Master Developer will directly deliver the whole scheme itself, given the wide range of potential uses envisaged. The contracting structure will allow specialist developers to develop specific plots, allowing for a wide variety of partners to participate in delivery under an MDP umbrella. The Master Developer will manage and coordinate delivery of the masterplan across a broad mix of uses. This approach supports broader risk sharing and greater diversity of uses and typologies delivered. Contractual agreements are intended to be sufficiently flexible to allow for this, recognising scheme complexity, scale and a likely long-term delivery programme. This Prior Information Notice (‘PIN’) is to notify the market that the Royal Docks Team plans to engage with the market before finalising its delivery structure and procurement strategy. The team wishes to engage with a diverse range of potential bidding parties. This may include investors, developers, PropCos and registered providers, representing a broad cross sector of market interest. It is not expected to be possible for the Royal Docks Team to invite all interested parties to an engagement session. The engagement will focus on those parties with the skills, experience and expertise in delivering large-scale mixed-use development in the UK. Please click on this link to complete and return the questionnaire attached to express an interest to participate in the market engagement exercise. Submissions should be made through the Procurement Portal Delta. The deadline for submitting your response is the 12th April 2024. Please note that market engagement does not constitute the commencement of the formal procurement process and proposals are not invited at this stage.

CPV Codes

  • 70110000 - Development services of real estate


Other Information

Following the PIN and market engagement process, the GLA will launch the procurement of a delivery partner via a regulated procurement process. At this stage the GLA expects to adopt a Competitive Dialogue procedure. The formal procurement process is currently anticipated to commence in the summer of 2024 and take 12-14 months to complete. For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: <a href="" target="_blank"> To respond to this opportunity, please click here: <a href="" target="_blank"> GO Reference: GO-202437-PRO-25438729

