CEFAS24-10 Contract for microscope & peripherals for BAHA Belize for OCPP (CEFAS UT)

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
3 year
11 Mar 2024
28 Feb 2024 to 27 Feb 2027
30 Jan 2024 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Cefas require provision of a microscope and associated peripherals to be delivered to Belize Agricultural Health Authority. 1. A light Microscope chassis capable of adaptation and improvement beyond the basic model. Capability types such as dark field, phase contrast, polarization contrast, fluorescence, and DIC. 2. Electrical Configuration 120V, 60Hz, AC and work with appropriate type A, B or C plugs. 3. Ergonomic design features to help reduce fatigue, such as height adjustable focus knobs, symmetrical operation of focus knobs, height adjustable binocular tubes. 4. Long-life LED light source providing frequencies similar to daylight, and power saving functions where possible. 5. A suitable condenser system. 6. XY stage controls as standard. 7. A slide stage with space and handling for 2x (76x26 mm) microscope slides at a time. 8. 3 step focussing drive or similar. 9. Revolving 'nose piece' with space for 6 lenses ideally. 10. Lenses required are as follows: Plan FLOUR, 2x, 10x, 20x, and PLAN APO 40x, and 60X. 100x (Oil) is also required. If these requirements pose an issue for quotation, please contact us. 11. A training head attachment to allow for a second viewer. This must include all required prisms and stands. 12. A field-of-view illuminated user-controlled pointer system. 13. Mountable digital camera system that must be completely designed for and compatible with the provide microscope. All associated apparatus must be included, such as mounting tubes and splitters cables etc. 14. A computer system and monitor suitable for imaging and with a graphics card suitable for HD viewing. This mut be as far as possible future proofed so as not to become obsolete within a foreseeable 4-year time frame. This system will be running windows 10 or 11, with a compatible monitor of approximately 24''- 32'' or similar (as recommended). 15. Imaging software is to be included where appropriate and this must as far as possible future proofed so as not to become obsolete within a foreseeable 4-year time frame.

Award Detail

1 Belize Formulators (None)
  • Value: £24,145

CPV Codes

  • 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

CEFAS24-10_Short_Form-Contract_final signed_Redacted CEFAS24-10_Short_Form-Contract_final signed_Redacted.pdf

