Internal Audit Services for The Royal Hospital Chelsea

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
21 Mar 2024
01 Apr 2024 to 31 Mar 2027
26 Dec 2023 10:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


RHC's governing document comprises of Letters Patent from the Crown. RHC's governance arrangements are similar to those of registered charities and follows the best practices, however, it is not a registered charity but is recognised as having charitable status by HMRC. The principal activities of RHC are to care for the In-Pensioners (IPs) and the conservation of its historic buildings and grounds. RHC is partly funded by Grant in Aid from the MOD and from its two subsidiary companies, Royal Hospital Chelsea Appeal Ltd (RHCA), a charitable company and Chelsea Pensioners (RH) Ltd (CPRH), a trading company. RHCA is the primary fundraising function, managing donations and legacies. CPRH manages all the commercial, retail and event income for the group. All activities are managed through a central finance function. Internal audit is a vital element in the Hospital's governance. It provides the Commissioners, the Audit Committee, and the Accounting Officer with independent assurance about the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance and value for money. The service requires the delivery for the following. ¬ Estimated X 4 reviews per annum. ¬ X 1 follow up of previous actions (once a year) ¬ X 2 Progress reports for presentation at Audit Committee - This must demonstrate value added over the period, highlighting any systemic issues, and advising us of any relevant trends for the Royal Hospital Chelsea to better position itself for the future. ¬ Attendance at Audit Committee - twice a year Examples of previous internal audit reviews include Staff wellbeing, staffing costs, Key financial controls (AR/AP), Heritage assets report, Risk Management and Occupancy Management. Detailed information can be found in the ITT document attached to the advert.

Award Detail

1 Crowe (London)
  • Value: £90,000

CPV Codes

  • 79212200 - Internal audit services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Please follow all instructions contained in the Invitation to tender document to bid for this service. Note: The value listed on the advert is only an estimate from market research and is not an indication of available budgets. Please submit bids based on the requirement and all will be considered fairly and in line with the criteria set out in the Invitation to tender. Invitation to tender document (Document type = Bidding documents) ITT - Internal Audit Services Royal Hospital Chelsea 2023-2024 FINAL.doc

