NNC RFQ for a new play installation in the Filter Bed Play Area in Sywell Country Park

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
4.5 month
25 Mar 2024
24 May 2024 to 03 Oct 2024
13 May 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


We are inviting quotations up to a maximum of £35,000 for the supply and installation of new play features in the Filter Bed play area at Sywell Country Park. The project's aim is to increase physical activity in children and families by encouraging them to move and interact together in play environment that strongly reflects the waterworks and industrial heritage of the park. We are looking for a contractor to add to the current play value in the sand area of the filter bed play space. We intend to keep the two swing structures in their current position. However, both the digger and springer can be repositioned by the contractor if necessary. Location can be agreed with the Senior Ranger during the contractor site visit prior to submission of this bid. If necessary, the existing spinner and kingfisher sculpture can be removed completely as part the works. We want the play features to be eye catching, unique, visually attractive and to reflect the historical industrial heritage of Sywell Country Park.

CPV Codes

  • 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items
  • 44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
  • 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
  • 44800000 - Paints, varnishes and mastics
  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 51000000 - Installation services (except software)
  • 92300000 - Entertainment services
  • 92600000 - Sporting services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Your offer should provide good imaginative, inclusive and active play value to help us create a play area where families with children (indicative ages 3 to 12 years) can explore the heritage of the park through play. Please note we are planning to hold a contractor's question session at the park between 9.30am - 4pm on Friday 12th April 2024. We strongly urge you to attend as it will provide all bidders with a chance to view the site and talk to us about what we are looking to achieve from this more unusual project. Please email geoff.simons@northnorthants.gov.uk to pre-book your appointment. Should you wish to take part in the selection process please complete this RFQ and pricing schedule and return via e-mail to rebecca.jenkins@northnorthants.gov.uk. Request for Quotation for a new play installation in the Filter Bed area in Sywell Country Park, Northamptonshire RFQ Filter Bed Play Installation Sywell Country Park - Final.pdf Appendix 1 Draft Contract Appendix 1 Repair_and_Maintenance_Contract_Commercial_2016_Edition (21.03.24).pdf Appendix 3 Pricing Schedule Appendix 3 - Pricing Schedule (1).xlsx

