FW Works - Underground Cable, Substation and Overhead Line Large Capital Delivery Projects - Scotland 1132

A Utilities Contract Notice

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Framework (Works)
5 year
09 Apr 2024
To 09 May 2029 (est.)
09 May 2024 17:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD, the Authority) intends to award framework agreements to contractors who have the necessary capability, capacity, and expertise to Design & Build Underground Cabling, Substation & OHL Schemes within the SHEPD regions as detailed within the procurement documents. Action to address the climate emergency is increasing in priority and pace and with aggressive pathways now set to deliver a net zero energy system by 2035, SHEPD must ensure that the electricity networks are an enabler for a smart, equitable transition to net zero, rather than a constraint. The recent RIIO ED2 settlement, acknowledges the need for investment the networks and reconciles this with ensuring efficiency and affordability for all. This significant programme of work within CAPEX & Connections amalgamates several scopes of work that SHEPD has traditionally delivered under separate contractual arrangements, including but not limited to substation, overhead line, cabling, civil works, design, associated services and works. We are seeking long-term strategic partners to deliver our ambitious RIIO-ED2 Business Plan, play a significant role in our transition to net-zero and deliver great outcomes for our customers by driving efficiency through innovation, development of new technology and products, development of skills and supporting the growth of a locally sourced skilled workforce within our sector. This strategy is underpinned by the intention to award frameworks based on the geographical lotting (as set out in the procurement documents), removing the need for mini competition, to provide commitment to our delivery partners to facilitate growth. An initial view of our work bank is available as part of the PQQ pack. Given the considerable growth within SHEPD it is the intention of this tender to enhance our supply chain and engage with contractors that can commit to our ambition who will collaborate with us in our delivery of the RIIO-ED2 Business plan and beyond. How to register your interest The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire documents (Underground Cable, Substation and Overhead Line Large Capital Delivery Projects - PQQ Questions) can be downloaded from www.sse.com/potential-suppliers (Call for Competition drop down). Should you wish to participate in this PQQ, please email Michael.Cooney@sse.com and Paul.Towert@sse.com and confirm your request to be invited to respond to the PQQ. Please advise if you are are/are not registered on Jaggaer. If your company is already registered on Jaggaer, please contact Michael.Cooney@sse.com and Paul.Towert@sse.com by email to register interest, you will be added to the event and a confirmation email will be sent to you, confirming the usernames registered to your Jaggaer account. If your company is not already registered on Jaggaer, please contact Michael.Cooney@sse.com and Paul.Towert@sse.com with the name of your company and contact email address. We will start the registration process for you and you will receive an invitation by email to complete this. Once you have completed the registration, please let us know and we will activate your account, following which you will be able to access and complete the PQQ. You will then be added to the PQQ event within our Jaggaer procurement system which can be accessed through the link already provided. Any queries should be sent to the above email addresses unless you have been added to the Jaggaer event, in which case queries should be sent through the Jaggaer messaging system. Full details of the opportunity can be found at https://sse.app.jaggaer.com/ High level scope of work: • Works associated with 33kV, 11kV, 22kV and LV electrical equipment. • Works associated with substation, cabling, OHL and civils. • Multidisciplinary engineering optioneering, feasibility and detailed design development and assurance. • Comprehensive multidisciplinary construction activities including, installation, commissioning, dismantling and disposal. • Support with and management of necessary access requirements including, consenting, wayleaves, local access negotiations, • Negotiation of network access with SHEPD including outage planning and requests. • Interface management and negotiation with external stakeholders including Local authorities, landowners, and customers. • Planning, scheduling, and managing pre-construction and post construction activities and compliance with associated legislative and regulatory duties e.g., CDM2015, HSE etc. • Value-engineering and innovation to propose changes and ideas that reduce costs/schedule while maintaining or enhancing design intent and quality, value, and functional performance of improvements. Assist in the development and implementation of value engineering and innovative ideas. • Support the resolution of project interfaces and dependencies. • Safe by design, incorporating safety principles in design construction and maintenance in accordance with relevant legislation. • Activities as required during storms and other times

Lot Division

1 SC Argyll & West
2 H&I - Sutherland & Caithness
3 H&I - Inverness
4 NC - Aberdeen
5 NC - Moray
6 Orkney
7 Shetland
8 SC - Perthshire & Tayside
9 Lewis

CPV Codes

  • 45314300 - Installation of cable infrastructure


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

