Supported Accommodation and Floating Support Service for Young Children, Young People and Families or Parents to be

A Prior Information Notice (Social)

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
3 year
24 Apr 2024
01 Sep 2024 to 31 Aug 2027
28 May 2024 16:30




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
City of Doncaster Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


The City of Doncaster Council (CDC) is seeking to commission a Supported Accommodation and Floating Support service for young children, young people and families or parents to be. The successful provider should provide a safe, supportive environment and be committed to providing a sensitive, non-judgemental, and non-oppressive service. The supported accommodation provision for the young person is intended to be of a short-term duration (maximum of 12 months) for young parent/s over 16 years of age up to 25 years of age. The supported accommodation aspect of the service will consist of a core building and dispersed property consisting of a minimum of 13 two-bedroom properties located within the City of Doncaster area (to be sourced by The Provider) The floating support aspect of the Service will provide support for a minimum of 65 families at any one time

Total Quantity or Scope

The provider will need to clearly demonstrate a commitment to multi-agency working and provide a holistic approach to ensure successful outcomes are achieved and sustained by the family. … It is the intention that individuals will move on where appropriate in a planned manner. To this end the provider will develop the children, young people, and family’s ability to live independently. The provision will deliver a programme of support. The level of support offered will vary and will be based on the ongoing assessed needs of each family. Needs will be assessed through the completion of either a early help assessment or social care assessment. … The floating support aspect of the Service will provide support for a minimum of 65 families at any one time (for a maximum of 12 months in respect of each family). This includes a whole family approach support package, for those who are either leaving the supported accommodation and require ongoing support to set up and maintain their tenancy as well as those who are already living in other arrangements

CPV Codes

  • 85311000 - Social work services with accommodation
  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 85300000 - Social work and related services
  • 85310000 - Social work services
  • 85311300 - Welfare services for children and young people
  • 85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
  • 85312310 - Guidance services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Performance considerations apply.

Other Information

All information is available in the documents All information is provided in the documents

