Radiometrics and Associated Services Lot 3 - Radiometric Characterisation Services

A Contract Award Notice

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Framework (Services)
5 year (est.)
03 May 2024
To 23 May 2029 (est.)



Sellafield Site

Geochart for 3 buyers and 1 suppliers

3 buyers

1 supplier


The requirement is for Sellafield to engage with a lead supply chain organisation to take on the Radiometric Characteristic Services (RCS), for a four year period, with the supply chain provider delivering both standard and be-spoke services as per the requirements of Sellafield site, with the Sellafield RCS team acting role of intelligent client provision.

Total Quantity or Scope

The requirement is for Sellafield to engage with a lead supply chain organisation to take on the Radiometric Characteristic Services (RCS), for a four year period, with the supply chain provider delivering both standard and be-spoke services as per the requirements of Sellafield site, with the Sellafield RCS team acting role of intelligent client provision.The supply chain partner will work closely with the Radiometric Systems Group Characterisation Team (RSGCT) to deliver fit for purpose, in-situ, radiometric characterisation solutions. The demand profile for RCS services is anticipated to accelerate as the site moves towards Post Operational Clean Out (POCO), decommissioning and high hazard reduction. Future site demand is currently unclear which necessitates the requirement for an increasingly flexible, integrated approach to radiometric characterisation delivery by RSGCT and a supply chain partner.RCS will be used to resolve both current and emerging radiometric characterisation issues and will be critical for future remediation and high hazard reduction activities.Examples of typical RCS delivery projects are:• Radiation imaging surveys to provide hotspot maps of radionuclide distributions associated with areas of plant. These surveys may be extended to provide detailed activity or dose estimation at points with the survey area;• Gamma spectrometry and neutron counting measurements to provide detailed assay of items such as waste packages, waste drums, crates, International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) freight containers and gloveboxes; and• Dose rate mapping and quantification.

Award Detail

1 Cavendish Nuclear (Leicester)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £10,240,000

Award Criteria

Social Impact 10.0
Quality 11.5
Collaboration 3.0
Project Controls 5.0
Security of Supply 17.0
Technical 36.0
Health and Safety 7.5
PRICE 10.0

CPV Codes

  • 90721600 - Radiation protection services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

This is a Framework Agreement with no guaranteed volume or spend. Estimated value should be read accordingly.

