ID 4418049 - PSNI - Supply and Delivery of Motorcycle Suits
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Supply)
- Duration
- 5 year (est.)
- Value
- £850K
- Sector
- Published
- 07 May 2024
- Delivery
- To 07 May 2029 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
1 supplier
To effectively carry out policing within Northern Ireland, PSNI utilises many patrolling models and many forms of transport. This includes the use of motorcycles by uniformed officers. To enable such officers to perform those duties, they must have adequate items of personal protective equipment; this includes wearing a Suit (Jacket and Trousers). PSNI have historically purchased leather jackets and trousers. Active police motorcyclists have expressed an interest in an alternative product in order to provide additional comfort and provide waterproofing. PSNI now seek to purchase textile motorcycle suits which meet the standards BS EN 13595 Level 2 or EN 17092 Class AAA with the addition of conformance to The Cambridge Standard for Motorcyclist Clothing, issue 2, level 3. As both products must be interactive, the appointed Contractor is required to supply both items (Jackets and Trousers). The Northern Ireland 'Driver and Vehicle Agency' (DVA) will also call off this Contract for the supply and delivery of Motorcycle Suits (Jacket and Trousers). DVA products are the same as those to be purchased by PSNI except the badging will be different. Please refer to the ‘Technical Specification’ and ‘Contract Specification’ for further information on the contract requirements.
Award Detail
1 | Supplier Information Witheld for Security Reasons (None)
Award Criteria
AC1 Technical and Design Requirements | 36.0 |
AC2 Contract Management and Quality Control | 15.0 |
AC3 Supply Chain Management and Contingency | 9.0 |
AC4 Total Cost | 40.0 |
CPV Codes
- 18100000 - Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
- 18110000 - Occupational clothing
- 18143000 - Protective gear
- 35113400 - Protective and safety clothing
- 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment
- 34410000 - Motorcycles
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
Contract ValueThe figure indicated in Section II 1.5 represents an estimated contract value. This value reflects the potential scale of the contract and takes into account potential optional extension periods and the uptake of potential optional services as detailed in the tender documents. This figure does not however take into account the application of indexation. Neither CPD nor the Authority can provide any guarantee as to the level of business under this contract. The Contracting Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Economic Operators remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from the Economic Operator in connection with taking part in this procurement process regardless of whether such costs arise as a consequence, directly or indirectly of any amendments made to the procurement documents by the Contracting Authority at any time.No legally binding contract shall arise and an Economic Operator shall have no legitimate expectation that a contract will be entered into until such time as entry into the Contract has been confirmed by the Contracting Authority. Economic Operators should note that all dates, time periods and figures in relation to values and volumes specified in this notice and the procurement documents are approximate only and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to change any or all of them.
- FTS 014553-2024