Purchase of Orthopaedic Hip & Knee Implants & Consumables

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Supply)
3 year
30 May 2024
To 01 Aug 2027 (est.)
01 Aug 2024 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS National Services Scotland NSS
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (‘the authority') acting through its division Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities is undertaking this procurement of supply and delivery of Orthopaedic Hip & Knee Implants and Consumables on behalf of all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (i.e. All NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Authority of other NHS Organisation established pursuant to the NHS (Scotland) Act 1978), any integrated Joint Boards established pursuant to the new Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014 (collectively hereafter referred to as 'Participating Authorities’).

Lot Division

1 Primary Total Cruiciate Retaining Knee Replacement – ceiling price applies

We require Orthopaedic Knee Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Knee Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 1 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Total Cruciate Retaining Knee Replacement Construct i.e a femoral component, Tibial insert, Tibial Tray and, in some instances a Patella, the cost of which should not exceed 1,178 GBP. Where a Patella is not required, the cost of the 3 item assembly should not exceed 1100 GBP.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & Support - Customer Rep Availability 5.0
Service & Support - Implementation & Training 5.0
Service & Support - Customer Support Package & After Sales 10.0
Service & Support - Business Continuity & Shortage Management 5.0
Service & Support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock Management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
2 Primary Total Posterior Stabalised Knee Replacement – ceiling price applies

We require Orthopaedic Knee Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Knee Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 2 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Total Posterior Stabalised Knee Replacement Construct i.e a femoral component, Tibial insert, Tibial Tray and, in some instances a Patella, the cost of which should not exceed 1,178 GPB. Where a Patella is not required, the cost of the 3 item assembly should not exceed 1100 GBP

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical Reference 10.0
Service & Support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & Support - Implementation & Training 5.0
Service & Support - Customer support package & after sales 10.0
Service & Support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & Support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock Management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
3 Primary Knee, all other types

We require Orthopaedic Knee Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Knee Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 3 should include any product relevant to a Primary Total Knee Replacement of any type which hasn't already been submitted to Lot 1 or Lot 2.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical Refrences 10.0
Service & Support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & Support - Implementation & Training 5.0
Service & Support - Customer support package & after sales 10.0
Servcie & Support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
service & Support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock Management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
4 Revision Knee, all types

We require Orthopaedic Knee Implants for use in NHSS Revision Total Knee Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 4 should include any product relevant to a Revision Total Knee Replacement of any type.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & Support - Implementation & Training 5.0
Service & Support- Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & Support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & Suport - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock Management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
5 Unicompartmental/ Partial Knee, all types

We require Orthopaedic Knee Implants for use in NHSS Unicompartmental Knee Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 5 should include any product relevant to a Unicompartmental or partial Knee Replacement of any type.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & Support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & Support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & Support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock Management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
6 Primary Hip - Cemented-Metal-Poly-Cemented – ceiling price applies

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Hip Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 6 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Cemented Total Hip Replacement i.e a cemented stem, metal head, polyethylene liner & cemented cup, the cost of which should not exceed 605 GBP

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical references 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer Support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
7 Primary Hip - Uncemented-Ceramic-Ceramic-Uncemented – ceiling price applies

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Hip Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 7 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Uncemented Total Hip Replacement i.e an uncemented stem, ceramic head, ceramic liner & uncemented metal cup, the cost of which should not exceed 1,375 GBP

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
8 Primary Hip - Hybrid -Cemented-Ceramic-Poly - Uncemented – ceiling price applies

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Primary Total Hip Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 8 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Hybrid Total Hip Replacement i.e a cemented stem, ceramic head, polyethylene liner & uncemented metal cup, the cost of which should not exceed 1060 GBP

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
9 Primary Hip -Primary Hip – all Other types

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Primary Hip Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Tendered items should meet criteria set out in the "Relevant to All Lots" tab on this worksheet. Lot 9 should include only those products relevant to a Primary Hip Replacement of any type which hasn't already been submitted to Lot 6, Lot 7 or Lot 8.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
10 Revision Hip - all types

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Revision Total Hip Replacement invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 10 should include only those products relevant to a Revision Hip Replacement.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
11 Resurfacing Hip - all types

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Resurfacing Hip invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 11 should include only those products relevant to a Resurfacing Hip.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support -Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment Stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
12 Endoprosthesis Hip - all types

We require Orthopaedic Hip Implants for use in NHSS Endoprosthesis Hip invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Lot 12 should include only those products relevant to Endoprosthesis Hip Surgical Procedures.

Award Criteria
Quality - Clinical References 10.0
Service & support - Customer rep availability 5.0
Service & support - Implementation & training 5.0
Service & support - Customer support & after sales 10.0
Service & support - Business continuity & shortage management 5.0
Service & support - Loan Kits 5.0
Sustainability - Consignment stock management 10.0
PRICE 50.0
13 Hip & Knee Technological Accessories (Unscored)

We require Technological Accessories related to the performance of Orthopaedic Hip And Knee Implants for use in NHSS Hip And Knee invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Products intended to be bid here should include, but not be limited to, consumables required for joint replacement assisted by computer animated or robotic surgery such as robotic attachments, navigation aids and/or surgical alignment tools, utilised in the performance of orthopaedic hip and/or knee procedures. Only bidders who have submitted products to at least one of the scored lots (Lot 1-12) on this tender can submit to this lot. PLEASE NOTE: This is an Unscored Lot. Boards will use the information provided here by all awarded suppliers to assess their local clinical requirements and decide who to commit to.

14 Combination Lot – Hip and Knee Lot Combinations (Unscored)

We require Orthopaedic Hip And Knee Implants for use in NHSS Hip And Knee invasive surgical procedures. These will be used in an acute setting across NHSS by suitably trained personnel. Bidders are requested to submit bids for combinations of Hip & Knee products, as previously tendered in Lots 1-13, with additional discounts in return for additional combined volume discounts from the Health Boards, or collaboration of Health Boards. Please put forward your suggestions for bandings and percentage discount from 0-100 Contract Price. Bidders may submit any number of combinations up to 100% of all Hips & Knees for Scotland. (Current Volume circa 18,000 procedures pa). Only bidders who have submitted tendered items to one or more of the scored lots (Lot1-13) can be considered for award to this lot. PLEASE NOTE: This is an Unscored Lot. Boards will use the information provided here by all awarded suppliers to assess their local clinical requirements and decide who to commit to. This Lot is intended to reduce the need for mini competitions.

15 Enhanced Service Lot (Unscored)

Bidders are requested to submit details of any Enhanced Service they offer. Key deliverables will be decided on a case by case basis but may include, but not be limited to, such evidenced criteria as: - Reduced Waiting Times - Streamlined Patient Pathway - Reduced Hospital Bed Days - Reduced Readmission Rate - Lower Costs - Enhanced Data Quality & Reporting - Enhanced Inventory Management - Innovation products which are expected to be ready for sale within the timeframe of the contract award. Bidders should submit details of any product or service offered, including unique selling points, for consideration, in 5,000 words or less. Responses should include relevant case studies, successes and details of how purchase of these services, in addition to commitment volumes on Lots 1-13 inclusive, will positively impact commitment volume prices for Health boards. Only Bidders who have submitted products for consideration to one or more of the scored lots on this tender (Lots 1-13) can be awarded to this lot. PLEASE NOTE: This is an Unscored Lot. Boards will use the information provided here by all awarded suppliers to assess their local clinical requirements.

CPV Codes

  • 33183100 - Orthopaedic implants


  • An E-Auction may be used.
  • An E-Catalogue is required.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The value in Section II.1.5 (112,500,000 GBP) refers to the full value of the framework including any extension options. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The project code is 26762. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343 The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: The contractor shall ensure that all contracts with sub-contractors and suppliers which the Contractor intends to procure following the Commencement Date, and which the Contractor has not, before the date of this Contract, already planned to award to a particular Sub-contractor or supplier, are advertised through the Public Contracts Scotland procurement portal (www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk) and awarded a fair, open transparent and competitive process proportionate to the nature and value of the contract. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 26762. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343 A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2363 Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: https://www.gov.scot/policies/public-sector-procurement/community-benefits-in-pr... A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2361 A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Employability / targeted recruitment & training Supply chain initiatives Workshops / Mentoring Third sector engagement Community consultation / engagement / events Educational initiatives Community benefits are included, but not mandatory, in this requirement. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2361 A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: In accordance with the Procurement Reform Act 2014, this Framework invites consideration of Community Benefits. Provision of Community Benefits is an Unscored requirement in this tender. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343 The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: The contractor shall ensure that all contracts with sub-contractors and suppliers which the Contractor intends to procure following the Commencement Date, and which the Contractor has not, before the date of this Contract, already planned to award to a particular Sub-contractor or supplier, are advertised through the Public Contracts Scotland procurement portal (www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk) and awarded a fair, open transparent and competitive process proportionate to the nature and value of the contract. (SC Ref:766753)

