GBC - Weyside Urban Village - Off Site Highways

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Works)
32.5 month (est.)
03 Jun 2024
To 18 Feb 2027 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Weyside Urban Village is an exciting regeneration project that will bring new homes, industrial uses, and community facilities to Guildford. By building on brownfield land (previously used land) the site protects the Green Belt surrounding the borough.The delivery of approximately 1,500 high-quality homes will play a crucial role in helping to meet Guildford’s housing need. The scheme provides new state of the art infrastructure including a new sewage treatment plant and a new council depot, to be relocated from their existing locations to near locations within the Slyfield Industrial Estate.The off-site highways works programme is principally required to mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the Weyside Urban Village development, as well as improve the surrounding pedestrian, cyclist and bus networks to encourage and enable greater sustainable travel.

Total Quantity or Scope

The scheme provides new state of the art infrastructure including a new sewage treatment plant and a new council depot, to be relocated from their existing locations to near locations within the Slyfield Industrial Estate.As part of this development a new local centre is being created which include:• Up to 1800 sqm of retail space (including a convenience store).• Healthcare and community facilities• A nursery• Flexible employment uses, such as offices and workshopIn addition, new industrial uses are being developed in an extension to the Slyfield Industrial Estate.Outline planning consent for the masterplan was granted in March 2022, under the application reference 20/P/02155.The off-site highways works programme is principally required to mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the Weyside Urban Village development, as well as improve the surrounding pedestrian, cyclist and bus networks to encourage and enable greater sustainable travel. This is a requirement to enable to delivery of the site, as per the National Planning Policy Framework and the granted Outline Planning Permission.• A summary of the reasons for these works are below:• Highway improvements on the A320 to maintain traffic capacities.• Enabling implementation of the County’s Sustainable Movement Corridor (SMC) 5.• Introduction of bus priority measures designed to enhance bus reliability / performance and make this mode a more attractive option.• Rationalisation of parking and greening up (as much as possible) of the access corridors on Woodlands Road / Slyfield Green and Bellfields Road.• A network of cycle and footway facilities to encourage greater active travel.

Award Detail

1 Winvic Construction (Northampton)
  • WUV Offsite Highways – Off Site Highways Contract
  • Reference: 88702345-1
  • Num offers: 4
  • Value: £6,140,082

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 45233100 - Construction work for highways, roads
  • 45233000 - Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads


  • Award on basis of price.

