PROC/7159/24 - The London Fire Brigade OneRisk

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Supply)
not specified
03 Jun 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


LFB OneRisk is an ambitious project which seeks to eventually deliver: A single risk database – A single consolidated fire risk information database which combines a number of existing legacy risk information systems. A data aggregator – The aggregation of data from wider external third-party sources (e.g. NHS or social services data) to complement LFB-collected data. Local risk analytics – The ability to perform enhanced data analysis to further develop LFB’s understanding of local risk profiles. Digital risk applications to "support frontline staff to easily identify, capture and update risk data"1.

Total Quantity or Scope

LFB has made a strategic decision to pursue a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) and cloud-hosted solution for LFB OneRisk; LFB are open to use of the supplier’s cloud environment, or LFB’s Microsoft Azure tenancy. This is in alignment with LFB’s digital strategy and LFB’s ambition to realise economies of scale via interoperability with neighbouring FRSs and the benefits that brings (e.g. seamless interworking, sharing of costs). For the avoidance of doubt, LFB is not seeking the services of a supplier to develop a new bespoke fire risk information solution. The brigade is seeking a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach to delivery of its key requirements for LFB OneRisk. The delivery of the LFB OneRisk including its rollout across the business is expected to be a highly complex activity due to the scale of LFB’s operations (e.g. number of users, quantity of data to be migrated), the age of existing legacy systems, and existing business processes being deeply embedded over a significant period of time. The objective of the MVP will be to maintain the core of present / existing ‘As-Is’ functionality. However, the brigade recognises (and accepts) there is likely to be a degree of functionality and process mismatch through the adoption of a COTS solution; LFB is committed to making reasonable business process adaptations as part of LFB OneRisk. The planned adoption phasing across the business is not currently confirmed, but may commence with LFB Prevention and smaller teams within LFB Protection, as part of a series of targeted pilots. The remainder of LFB Protection Teams and the Operational Teams would then be subsequently onboarded to the LFB OneRisk solution. LFB requires a full migration of existing data including in-flight records. Due to the volume of existing records and the significant number of Greater London premises, it is infeasible for LFB to adopt a ‘greenfield’ approach to its data records. Additional Information: The London Fire Commissioner will be issuing a Request for Information to interested suppliers as the Brigade finalises their requirements for the future procurement. In order to get further details on this you will be required to register on the procurement portal Please ensure that you as a supplier are registered with In-Tend using the above link, if you are not then you will need to register via Sell2, ensuring that you select London Fire in the portals page. I have attached an email that explains this in more detail. Please note that the registration process is a ‘two-step’ process. Where a supplier first registers on the In-Tend portal and then once registered, selects London Fire in the portals page, as the second stage. If this second stage isn’t completed then you will not be able to tender with the LFC. If you have any issues, then you should contact All responses to the RFI should be submitted via the Portal as indicated.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems
  • 72320000 - Database services
  • 72266000 - Software consultancy services
  • 48612000 - Database-management system
  • 48611000 - Database software package
  • 72212610 - Database software development services
  • 48610000 - Database systems
  • 72321000 - Added-value database services
  • 72212600 - Database and operating software development services
  • 72261000 - Software support services
  • 48600000 - Database and operating software package
  • 72262000 - Software development services
  • 72267000 - Software maintenance and repair services
  • 72263000 - Software implementation services


