Groundwater Monitoring Services

A Utilities Contract Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year
06 Jun 2024
To 22 Jul 2027 (est.)
22 Jul 2024 12:00



Services to be delivered in London in relation to the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project, generally across the identified sites

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a major infrastructure project, urgently needed to protect the tidal River Thames from increasing pollution. London’s sewerage system is no longer fit for purpose and spills tens of millions of tonnes of untreated sewage mixed with rainwater (combined sewage) into the tidal reaches of the River Thames every year. Bazalgette Tunnel Limited (BTL), is the licensed provider set up to finance, build, maintain and operate the Thames Tideway Tunnel. From Licence Award BTL trades and is known to the public as 'Tideway'. Tideway is upgrading London’s sewer system to comply with UK obligations under the wastewater directives and cope with its growing population. Our 25km tunnel will intercept, store and ultimately transfer storm sewage away from the River Thames. Construction of the Thames Tideway Tunnel is planned to be completed during 2024 followed by periods of system commissioning and system acceptance testing. During the project construction phase groundwater monitoring and dewatering activity has been undertaken by the main works contractors (MWCs) within their respective areas of the project. Following completion of construction works, operational monitoring is required for a period for assurance purposes. The operational groundwater monitoring has different requirements to that undertaken during the construction phase. During construction the requirements focused on monitoring and managing the effects of construction activity, during operation the requirements relate to monitoring and managing the effects of the operation of the tunnel by monitoring for sewage indicators. The responsibility for groundwater monitoring transfers from the MWCs to Tideway at completion of the works. Tideway is therefore seeking a Contractor to provide groundwater monitoring services across the specified sites for an initial period of 3 years and maximum term of 10 years. The duration of the requirement is currently estimated at 5 years however it will ultimately be determined by analysis of the groundwater monitoring and sufficient assurance that the tunnel is operating appropriately. The services will include, but not limited to : • Monitor groundwater quality by sampling existing boreholes along the tunnel route and have the samples analysed against a list of water quality tests (which will be specified by Tideway). • For clarity the services do not cover groundwater monitoring via boreholes for construction but will be for tunnel operational monitoring to ensure there is no pollution to the surrounding groundwater. • For reference, the tunnel will be transporting ‘storm sewage’ flows along it, not sewage. This is important as it will be diluted sewage. • The boreholes are pre-existing having been drilled around 5-10 years ago. Services or ability relating to maintaining the boreholes themselves may be required. • The monitoring sites are located mostly in the East area and the eastern half of the Central area of the project. • We would expect sampling to occur at regular periods. At the moment that is likely to be every 3 months, however this is subject to confirmation. • Services will include laboratory testing of extracted water samples for stated contaminands and provision of results to Tideway. • There may be liaison with landowners required to access some of the boreholes.

Total Quantity or Scope

Interested organisations should refer to II.1.4) (Short Description) and VI.3) (Additional information) and to the PQP and other Procurement Documents for further information on the description of the Services and the Contract. Section II.1.5 (Estimated total value): The estimated total value has been based on the expected duration of 5 years, this value is indicative and depends on business needs over the term. Section II.2.7 (Duration of the Contract): The initial term of the Contract is currently estimated to be 36 months with options to extend to a total possible aggregate term of ten (10) years should all possible extension options be exercised. Timescales in this Contract Notice are estimated based on the current Tideway programme but may be subject to change.

CPV Codes

  • 90733700 - Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
  • 71900000 - Laboratory services
  • 90711500 - Environmental monitoring other than for construction


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

1) Additional information concerning this Contract Notice and the Contracting Entity (Section I): economic operators should note that words and expressions in this Contract Notice with an initial capital letter shall have the meanings given in the PQP. All additional information relating to information provided in this Contract Notice is available in the PQP. Further information on (i) the procurement is available at and (ii) the Thames Tideway Tunnel project is available on 2) To express interest in the Contract, Applicants must register and complete the PQQ on the Tideway portal: by the deadline for PQQs stated in the PQP. The PQQ Deadline is a precise time and Applicants must allow sufficient time to upload the PQQ. 3) Additional information concerning the Contracting Entity and the procedure (Section I and Section IV): On 24.8.2015 Ofwat granted Bazalgette Tunnel Limited a project licence (the "Project Licence") to carry out all activities described in the project specification notice apart from those activities that Thames Water is to carry out under the preparatory work notice. Bazalgette Tunnel Limited is not a utility for the purpose of the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 ('UCR 2016'). However Bazalgette Tunnel Limited is required pursuant to the procurement regime in the Water Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations 2013 ('SIP Regulations') to tender certain contracts and certain categories of contracts in accordance with a modified regime set out in the SIP Regulations ('modified UCR 2016'). More information concerning the Project Licence is available at: Information on the SIP Regulations and more information on the modified UCR 2016 is available at: 4) Additional information concerning (II.2.5) (Award criteria): Tideway intends to award the Contract to the economic operator with the most economically advantageous tender. Details of the award criteria and methodology for identifying the most economically advantageous tender will be set out in the Procurement Documents. 5) A response to this Contract Notice does not guarantee that an Applicant will be invited to tender. The award process may be terminated or suspended at any time without cost or liability to Tideway. Tideway does not bind itself to enter into any contract(s) arising out of the procedure envisaged by this Contract Notice. No contractual rights, express or implied, arise out of this Contract Notice or the procedures envisaged by it. Tideway reserves the right to vary its requirements and the procedure relating to the conduct of the award process. Tideway reserves the right to disqualify any Applicants on terms set out in the PQP or ITT. 6) Applicants/Tenderers shall be solely responsible for and liable for all costs associated with and arising out of or in connection with responding to this Contract Notice, any PQQ and with submitting any tender, howsoever incurred.

