Installation of a secure perimeter boundary to buildings at Alice Holt Research Station

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
2.5 month
06 Jun 2024
18 Dec 2023 to 04 Mar 2024
01 Dec 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Forestry Commission
Harling Security Solutions
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Forest Research is seeking fixed lump sum price tenders for installation of a secure perimeter boundary (comprising a mix of steel fencing, walls and railings, and automated pedestrian and vehicle gates) to the Alice Holt Lodge and main buildings within its Alice Holt Research Station site (in Farnham, Surrey), in accordance with the attached Invitation to Tender documents. Works include cable trenching/groundworks, supply of all components and materials and interfacing with Forest Research's security services contractor, who will be required to connect access cards systems for the controlled access gates. The scope includes any design work remaining to be done that is required for the performance of the contract and execution and completion of the whole works. The works will be procured using the JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor's Design (ICD 2016). REQUIREMENTS FOR TENDERING Prospective tenderers must note the following. Tenders will not be considered from suppliers who fail to meet any of the following requirements: 1. Previous experience as principal contractor under the CDM Regulations 2015 2. In possession of (or able to obtain) professional indemnity insurance cover of not less than £1m 3. Acceptance of the the JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor's Design (ICD 2016) as the basis of any subsequent contract 4. Have participated in a site visit. The full ITT documents package is available for download from Dropbox - use link in the attached ITT letter. Tenders are to be submitted electronically by uploading to Dropbox, using the link in the attached ITT letter.

Award Detail

1 Harling Security Solutions (Hoddesdon)
  • Value: £604,202

CPV Codes

  • 45112100 - Trench-digging work
  • 45214600 - Construction work for research buildings
  • 45233222 - Paving and asphalting works
  • 45300000 - Building installation work
  • 45421148 - Installation of gates


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Please express your interest in this ITT by email to Any questions regarding this ITT should be made by email to Miles Pearce, no later than 16.00hrs on Monday 27th November. Any Tender Addenda or Tender Q&As will be published by their addition to this Notice. Full ITT documents package ITT letter FR Fencing ITT letter.docx TENDERER QUESTIONS Issue 1 TQ Log setting out tenderer questions received to date and FR's responses. NB This has also been added to the Dropbox folder containing the ITT documents CR2023_24_038 AH secure perimeter boundary ITT_TQ Log ISSUE 1.docx TENDERER QUESTIONS Issue 2 Updated TQ Log setting out further tenderer questions received and FR's responses. NB This has also been added to the Dropbox folder containing the ITT documents Please take account of these Questions & Answers when compiling your tender. CR2023_24_038 AH secure perimeter boundary ITT_TQ Log ISSUE 2.docx TENDER ADDENDUM NO.1 Changes to the ITT documents (new and revised documents wrt G4S and Chubb). Tender Addendum No. 1.docx TENDERER QUESTIONS Issue 3 Updated TQ Log setting out further tenderer questions received and FR's responses. NB This has also been added to the Dropbox folder containing the ITT documents Please take account of these Questions & Answers when compiling your tender. CR2023_24_038 AH secure perimeter boundary ITT_TQ Log ISSUE 3.docx TENDER ADDENDUM NO.2 Change to the ITT documents (amended Tender Response Form) Tender Addendum No. 2.docx TENDERER QUESTIONS Issue 4 (and final) Updated TQ Log setting out further tenderer questions received and FR's responses. NB This has also been added to the Dropbox folder containing the ITT documents. Please take account of these Questions & Answers when compiling your tender. CR2023_24_038 AH secure perimeter boundary ITT_TQ Log ISSUE 4.docx TENDER ADDENDUM NO.3 Change to the ITT documents (revised drawings) Tender Addendum No. 3.docx

