(MARKET ENGAGEMENT ONLY) Poultry Culling Services Framework Agreement
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Future Contract (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- 30M
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Jun 2024
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a

1 buyer
This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to advise the market that the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is seeking to renew its Provision of Poultry Culling Services Framework Agreement and appoint providers to a new Framework Agreement for the continued provision of poultry culling services across England, Scotland and Wales. Some of these Goods and Services will be delivered side by side with government employees and other contracted bodies – while some will be expected to be delivered independently (under the direction of the Contracting Body). The services will be required in eight (8) geographical regions across England, Wales and Scotland. The Agreement will be divided into four (4) Lots which will cover animal disease outbreak and incident support work.• Lot 1. Containerised Gassing Unit (CGU) services, including the Supply of Gasses and Poultry Catching Services• Lot 2. Poultry Catching Services• Lot 3. Supply of Gasses for Containerised Gassing Units (CGUs)• Lot 4. Whole House Gassing (WHG) services
Total Quantity or Scope
APHA is an Executive Agency of Defra and delivers the Animal Health and Welfare policies of the Defra, Scottish Government and Welsh Government across Great Britain (GB). One of its principal functions is the safeguarding of animal health and welfare and public health, which in turn supports economic growth and trade.APHA has a critical role in the control and eradication of endemic and exotic notifiable and reportable diseases including responding to Outbreaks and Incidents, for example Notifiable Avian Disease. APHA and other GB government (central, devolved and local authorities) may have a need to employ a range of contractors to deliver certain types of work on its behalf.Interested parties should email mandy.worsnop@defra.gov.uk by 19 Jun 2024 if you would like the slide pack relating to this requirement sent to you. (This will be issued on / before 21 June 2024.) On review of the slide pack, if you have further initial queries please submit them in writing to the contact above by 28 Jun 2024.
CPV Codes
- 77100000 - Agricultural services
- 77500000 - Animal husbandry services
- FTS 017882-2024