YPO 001164 - Legal services for WPS

A Tender Notice
by YPO

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Framework (Services)
4 year
10 Jun 2024
03 Sep 2024 to 02 Sep 2028
12 Jul 2024 17:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of Legal Services. This Framework is designed to meet the needs of YPO and Other Contracting Authorities by establishing an agreement where the end customer will place the order with the Provider and the Provider delivered direct to the end customer.

Lot Division

1 Childcare Law

Including but not limited to; • All aspects of childcare matters arising from but not limited to the: - Children Act 1989 - Adoption and Children Act 2002 - Children Act 2004 - Children and Adoption Act 2006 - Care Act 2014 - Children and Social Work Act 2017 • Deprivation of Liberty Claims • Fostering • Judicial Review • Public Interest Immunity

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
2 Adult Social Services & Community Care Law

Including but not limited to; • Adult Social Care Finance • All aspects of Court of Protection proceedings including but not limited to: - Appointment of Deputies - Medical Treatment Decisions - Registration of Powers of Attorney - Safeguarding Responsibilities of Local Authorities • Care Act 2014 • Deprivation of Liberty • Judicial Review • Mental Capacity Act 2005 • Mental Health Law including but not limited to: - Admission of Expert Testimony or Other Psychiatric Evidence in Court - Criminal Law - Education Law - Employment Law - Housing Law - Insurance Law - Involuntary Commitment and Guardianship Law - Right to Treatment • Medical Treatment including but not limited to: - End of Life Care and Funding - Informed Consent and Medical Malpractice • Public Interest Immunity • Social Services Law

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
3 General Litigation

Full range of Civil Litigious Work including but not limited to: • Alternative Dispute Resolution such as Arbitration and Mediation • Advocacy at all stages of each type of litigation including but not limited to; - Local Authority Prosecutions (such as car parking fines, education welfare, planning enforcement, highways, environmental and food standards). - Judicial Reviews of Council functions (not suitable for any other lots). - Work for West Yorkshire Trading Standards. - Local Authority Licensing - Debt Recovery and Local Taxation; Council Tax / NNDR recovery, fraud - Negligence - Housing: o Social Housing o Housing Nuisance o Trespass o Possession Claims and Advice o ASBO’s o Injunctions o Homelessness • Personal Injury Litigation for Customers (cases not dealt with directly by the insurers) • Appeals to the Magistrates Court and/or Crown Court against Decisions of the Authority (e.g. Building Act 1984, Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Public Health Act 1936) • Preparation of Witness Statements • Preparation of Evidence • Other Civil Litigation and ADR not suitable for any of the other Lots

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
4 General Conveyancing / Routine Property

Including but not limited to: • Acquisitions and Disposals - Freehold - Leasehold • Agricultural Tenancies • Landlord and Tenant - Residential - Commercial - Social Housing • Leases and Licences (including telecoms) • Property Litigation - Residential - Commercial • Right to Buy under the Housing Act 1985

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
5 General Contracts, Commercial & IT

Including but not limited to: • Charity Law and Social Enterprises • Commercial Contract Claims against and by the Council • Competition Law • Construction Law • Consumer Law • Corporate Company Law and Insolvency Law • Domestic and EU Public Procurement, Tendering for Goods, Works and Services • E-commerce • Full procurement support including the drafting of specifications, contracts and associated advice and documentation • Local Authority Companies • Insolvency Law • Intellectual Property Rights • IT Contracts • Subsidy Control and Competition Law • Taxation and VAT • Any Associated Litigation/ADR as instructed (excepting such work arising from PFI/PPP work, for which see Lot 7 below).

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
6 Planning, Compulsory Purchase and Highways & Environment

Including but not limited to: • Advice under the Building Act 1984 • Community Infrastructure Levy • Compulsory Purchase • Energy, including Natural Resources and Climate Change • Enforcement Notices • Environmental Impact Assessment Development • General Highway Law • General Planning Law including Advice on and Drafting of S106 Planning Obligations • Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas • Local Development Framework • Orders and Agreements • Preparation of Proofs, Advice and Advocacy on behalf of the Council at Public Inquiries • Public Rights of Way • Statements of Reasons under Highways and Housing CPOs. • Village Greens and Common Land • Waste, Recycling and Minerals

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
7 Major or Complex Projects

Including but not limited to: • Advice on all stages of these major transactions (including those elements listed in Lot 5) - Closed PFI’s. - Major Commercial Property-based Projects including Social Housing - Major Outsourcing / Insourcing of Services - Partnerships / Joint Ventures. - PPP/PFI and Major Regeneration Projects - Renewable, District and other major Energy Schemes - Associated UK/EU Public Procurement • Assisting Negotiating Heads of Terms • Structure and Financing • Drafting of Documents • Post Completion Issues that may arise • Any Associated Litigation/ADR as instructed

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
8 Local Government Law and Corporate Governance

Including but not limited to: • Advice and representation on these areas of law: - Corporate Governance - Constitutional advice - Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law - Immigration Law - Licensing Law - Local Government Election Law and Election Court - Local Government Law and Procedure including Local authority Finance, Education and Housing (where not covered within other lots) - Member Codes of Conduct and Standards - Standards Investigations • Attendance at Full Council and Cabinet and Committees where required • Input into Cabinet/Committee Reports • Any other services required to support the Council’s Statutory Monitoring Officer’s role

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service _
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
9 Employment Law and Pensions

Advice on all issues arising from the full range of Employment Law issues, including but not limited to: • Work for Schools, Representation at Employment Tribunals and Settlements • Equal Pay • Discrimination Law • Equal Opportunities • TUPE • Recruitment and Redundancies • Pensions, including the Local Government Pension Scheme • Health & Safety • Organisational Change / Management Restructuring and Redundancies • Trade Union Law Disputes and Industrial Actions • Whistleblowing matters • Pay and Conditions Negotiations • Complex Employment Contracts including Insourcing and Outsourcing • Any associated Litigation/ADR as instructed

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
10 Public Health

Including but not limited to: Legal work associated with the Council’s Public Health functions under the Health & Social Care Act 2012 which is not suited to call-off under any of the other Lots.

Award Criteria
Quality 30.0
Delivery and Customer Service 25.0
Social Value / Sustainability 15.0
PRICE 30.0
11 Commissioning / Procurement Training – for WPS

Including but not limited to training on the following topics: • Introduction to the Procurement Act • What the new regulations are and what impact they may have for that Contracting Authority • New flexible procurement; how this will work and what benefits this may have for a Contracting Authority • Challenges under the new regime • A guide to Notices • The differences between Dynamic Marketplaces and Frameworks • Effective and lawful evaluation and debriefing bidders • Contract modifications

Award Criteria
Quality & Delivery of Training 40.0
PRICE 60.0
12 Legal Training – for WPS

Including but not limited to training on the following topics: • Legal training for non-legal professionals e.g. procurement, hiring managers • Deep dive training for any topics from lots 1 – 10 (to which you are appointed) e.g. on IPR law, health and safety • Updates following case law • Public sector legal updates, e.g. PPNs • Any other ad hoc requests by Contracting Authorities

Award Criteria
Quality & Delivery of Training 40.0
PRICE 60.0
13 Commissioning / Procurement Training – for YPO Suppliers

Including but not limited to training on the following topics: • Introduction to the Procurement Act • What the new regulations are and how it will influence how they do business with the public sector • The new more flexible procurement procedures and changes to framework agreements • The differences between Dynamic Marketplaces and Frameworks • Challenges under the new regime • How to prepare / adapt to the new regime

Award Criteria
Quality & Delivery of Training 40.0
PRICE 60.0

Renewal Options

There is a possibility that this framework will be renewed after 3.5 years from the commencement date.

CPV Codes

  • 79100000 - Legal services
  • 79110000 - Legal advisory and representation services
  • 79130000 - Legal documentation and certification services
  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

YPO are purchasing on the behalf of other contracting authorities. Please see the below link for details: https://www.ypo.co.uk/about/customers/permissible-users . YPO will incorporate a standstill period at the point of notification of the award of the contract is provided to all bidders. The standstill period will be for a minimum of 10 calendar days, and provides time for unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into. The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).

