YPO - 001162 - Alpha G-Cloud Solution

A Prior Information Notice
by YPO

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
14 Jun 2024
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


YPO is a leading public sector procurement authority with over 40 years’ experience and presence in the market. YPO wishes to initiate Phase 0 – Market consultation for the development of the ground breaking Alpha G-Cloud solution. It is YPO vision to design a solution that will support public sector organisations across whole UK in maximising the value of technology by offering access to a hosted and centralised digital marketplace(s) with a diverse range of cloud and software applications, subscriptions, and services. YPO’s public sector customers are bound by strict regulations concerning procurement and public tendering such as PCR 2015 and upcoming Procurement Act 2023 and Procurement Regulations 2024. Alpha G-Cloud solution will be designed to address the compliance challenges when procuring cloud and software applications as well as maintain access to dynamic technology offerings. In development of this solution YPO will be working in collaboration with other stakeholders and YPO’s close technology partner, NEPO. YPO reserves the right to not commit to advertising this tender if we do so wish. Any information provided by suppliers and customers prior to any advertising of the tender will not be used to determine the outcome of any processes. Should YPO wish to proceed further a formal procurement process will be followed in accordance with YPO's contract procedure rules and in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015/ Procurement Act 2023 as relevant. Please note that this notice is to undertake early supplier and customer engagement only, information is being sought without prejudice and without commitment. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email the named contact on this form by close of business on 05 July 2024.

Total Quantity or Scope

Potential providers of this solution would need to meet the following criteria in order to participate in the pre-market engagement phase, and move on to the full tender process: 1. an established B2B marketplace presence 2. single point of access for customers and it’s software and licence providers. 3. centralised order and payment functionality 4. comprehensive cyber security 5. a diverse range of cloud and software applications, subscriptions and services which includes but is not restricted to the following primary categories:  AI and Machine learning  Analytics  Business applications  Blockchain  Data applications and services  DevOps  IT and Management tools  Infrastructure software  Internet of Things  Migration  Monitoring and diagnostics In order to gain further insight into the market and to generate interest amongst prospective bidders YPO intend hosting a series of market engagement events to be held in July and August 2024 at which YPO and the participating organisations will be required to make a formal presentation. Prospective providers wishing to participate should in the first instance email Agnieszka Gajli, YPO’s project lead, at itservices@ypo.co.uk with the subject heading ‘Alpha G-Cloud – Phase 0 Market Consultation” by close of business on 05 July 2024. Please attach a summary (strictly for information only) of no more than 250 words per criterion how your organisation would meet the initial requirements. Upon receipt of the expressions of interest, and the information only submissions, further details of the formal presentation and attendance instructions will be made available.

Renewal Options

There is a possibility that this framework will be subject to renewal after 3.5 years from the commencement date”.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 72310000 - Data-processing services
  • 72400000 - Internet services


  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

YPO are purchasing on the behalf of other contracting authorities. Please see the below link for details: https://www.ypo.co.uk/about/customers/permissible-users. YPO will incorporate a standstill period at the point of notification of the award of the contract is provided to all bidders. The standstill period will be for a minimum of 08 working days, and provides time for unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into. The Procurement Act 2023 provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland). Please note that is a request for information to undertake pre-market engagement only and is being sought without prejudice and without commitment. Any information provided will not be used to determine the outcome of the tender process. When, or if, YPO wishes to proceed further a formal procurement process will be followed in accordance with YPO's contract procedure rules and in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015/Procurement Act 2023 as relevant. If you are interested in obtaining more information please contact the named contact on this form by close of business on 05 July 2024.

