Peer & Lived Experience Workforce Strategy

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
1 year (est.)
24 Jun 2024
13 May 2024 to 12 May 2025 (est.)



4 St. Pancras Way<br/>London<br/>NW1 0PE

Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers
Barnet Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust
Workforce Development Trust
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Partnership would like to secure a 12-month contract with an organisation best placed tosupport us with the development and implementation of a Lived Experience workforcestrategy across the North London Mental Health Partnership (NLMHP) which spans acrossBarnet, Enfield and Haringey and Camden and Islington. A significant amount of work hasalready taken place to identify our key areas of work and C&I have also developed a relatedPeer Workforce strategythis will be shared with the awarded contractor to supplement the current requirements.We require the support of a contracted provider to develop the content and implementationof this so that it reflects the status and aspirations of the partnership i.e. ensure BEH and C&Ikey stakeholders views and feedback are incorporated and we conclude with a co-producedstrategy which reflect the Peer & Lived Experience workforce needs of the partnership. Werecognise the volume of work associated with the strategy and project to be over a 3–5-yearperiod. We therefore do not expect all aims to be achieved within the 12 months, however,expect the outcomes to be an agreed Partnership Lived Experience Strategy for the BEH;and a co-produced and commenced implementation plan and associated timeline toaccompany this.

Total Quantity or Scope

We require the support of a contracted provider to develop the content and implementationof this so that it reflects the status and aspirations of the partnership i.e. ensure BEH and C&Ikey stakeholders views and feedback are incorporated and we conclude with a co-producedstrategy which reflect the Peer & Lived Experience workforce needs of the partnership. … We therefore do not expect all aims to be achieved within the 12 months, however,expect the outcomes to be an agreed Partnership Lived Experience Strategy for the BEH;and a co-produced and commenced implementation plan and associated timeline toaccompany this.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF CONTRACTAim of the Contract• To facilitate NLMHP to demonstrate its commitment to the development of a highly skilled,valued and supported Lived Experience workforce.• To support the creation and ratification of a Partnership Lived Experience Workforcestrategy reflective of both BEH and C&I needs co-produced with our key stakeholders andwith executive commitment assured.• An associated implementation plan with timeline of how to achieve the above over a3–5-year period.Objectives of the Contract• To develop clear quality assurance processes in relation to the delivery of the PartnershipLived Experience Workforce Strategy.• To tap into expertise in relation to lived experience workforce development from within theNCL (North Central London) as well as other sources of excellence within the NHS andexternal providers such as third sector organisations and research institutions.• To ensure the developed implementation plan is informed by the HEE Peer competencyframework as well as, good practice, national guidance and research associated with peerand lived experience work.OUTCOMESThe main outcomes of this project are detailed below partnered with further expectationsduring service delivery:• A co-produced and ratified Partnership Lived Experience Workforce Strategy• Associated implementation plan including a timeline over a 3–5-year period.• Identify improvements needed within the current infrastructure and an increase ofengagement and commitment for Lived Experience Workforce Development

Award Detail

1 Workforce Development Trust (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 4
  • Value: £112,500
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

Award Criteria

Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 79633000 - Staff development services
  • 79410000 - Business and management consultancy services


  • Award on basis of price.

