New Spitalfields & Billingsgate Market Waste & Market Cleansing

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
7 year
25 Jun 2024
01 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2032
05 Aug 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The City of London are undertaking a procurement for the provision of waste management, cleansing, recycling and disposal of waste from New Spitalfields Market and Billingsgate Market. To include the full management of waste and market cleaning on both sites, this encompasses waste collection, management, cleansing of common areas, and the recycling and disposal of on average 12,500-13,500 tonnes of mixed associated market waste per year, i.e. organic, cardboard, timber, plastic, polystyrene. There will be an emphasis on continual improvement regarding recycling and sustainability with consideration to the waste hierarchy. There is an expectation that all waste will be recycled or repurposed with 0% of waste sent to landfill. Cost reduction innovations will also be expected from participating bidders. The duration of the contract for Lot 1 (New Spitalfields Market) is 5 years, subject to the right of the City (at its sole discretion) to exercise its right to extend the Contract by up to 2 years. The maximum length of the contract is therefore 7 years. The estimated contract value given is £23,200,000 for the full duration of the contract including the maximum possible extensions. The estimated annual contract value is therefore £3,314,285). The duration of the contract for Lot 2 (Billingsgate Market) is 5 years, subject to the right of the City (at its sole discretion) to exercise its right to extend the Contract by up to 2 years. The maximum length of the contract is therefore 5 years. The shorter contract term for Billingsgate Market is due to the City of London's plans to relocate this Market circa 2028. The estimated contract value given is for the full duration of the contract including the maximum possible extensions is £4,100,000. The estimated annual contract value is therefore £820,000). All bids that have passed the Technical & Professional Ability (T&P) criteria set out in ITT Pack regarding Lot 2 Billingsgate Market, will be measured against the current -in-house waste and site cleansing provision to ascertain best value. Therefore, the City may not award the contract if the bidder's response has been evaluated and is not considered best value for the City.

CPV Codes

  • 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

