English Heritage members handbook design 2025-30

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
5.5 year (est.)
27 Jun 2024
To 26 Jan 2030 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


We are looking for a supplier to design and layout our members’ handbook (324pp).

Total Quantity or Scope

During 2024 we are introducing a refreshed brand identity (including new tone of voice, primary and secondary colour palette, photography and illustration guidelines). The chosen supplier for the 2025/26 handbook will be the first to produce the handbook in the new brand so this is an exciting time for the development and design of a key tool of our membership retention strategy. English Heritage appoint and manage the handbook printer through a separate framework and we expect the successful tenderer to work with English Heritage and their selected printer on tasks including artwork preparation, colour proofing and press passing. The initial term of contract will be 3 years, 7 months. There will be provision to extend by a further two periods of 1 year each so a maximum contract duration of five years, 7 months. The start date will be 15 July 2024 commencing with the 2025/26 issue, and the initial end date will be 29 February 2028. If we maintain the annual publication this will end with the 2027/28 issue. The option to extend for up to an additional 2 years would see the end dates of 28 February 2029, and 28 February 2030 accordingly. Each extension year will be agreed individually, and we reserve the right to change the frequency at any time during this contract.

Award Detail

1 Ledgard Jepson (Sheffield)
  • English Heritage members handbook design 2025-30
  • Reference: p/ref eh 00002024
  • Num offers: 26
  • Value: £138,631
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 79822500 - Graphic design services
  • 79930000 - Specialty design services
  • 79800000 - Printing and related services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

We will devise the flatplan of the handbook, liaising with the chosen supplier on the design and layout. We will provide the copy while the supplier will use our image library to source appropriate images in response to overall handbook discussions and briefing. The supplier will also work closely with our content production team and the selected printer to prepare files for print, manage the colour and quality of the files, and press pass the handbook. The handbook will be a biennial activity during the specified contract (so at least two issues in the initial term). Awarded value shown relates to initial term based on biennial handbook production. If the extension period is used for this contract - the award value will be updated accordingly.

