Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) are inviting responses to a new opportunity relating to the delivery of the new 'Skills Bootcamps' programme, which aims to support residents in the county to acquire new skills and - in turn - a pathway to employment.
The overall aims of the Skills Bootcamps are:
- To deliver flexible training programmes lasting up to 16 weeks, based on employer/sector 'in-demand' skills need which may be either regulated (i.e., qualification based) or non-regulated (e.g., based on alignment with industry standards).
- To address the needs of adults (19+) who are full-time, part-time, unemployed, returning to work after a break or self-employed, providing individuals with wider access to opportunities to update skills and acquire specialist skills.
- To address the needs of employers and the wider economy, to deliver targeted interventions to meet short-medium term demand to fill vacancies.
- To help fill vacancies and bring individuals closer to better jobs (including those currently in employment).
Funding is 100% for independent learners (unemployed) and partial funding is available for employed learners who are sponsored by their employer:
- 90% funded for SME employers with 250 or less.
- 70% funded for large employers with 251 or more.