CPU6794 - Gambling Related Harm Training for Professionals

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
08 Jul 2024
01 Jul 2024 to 30 Jun 2027
07 May 2024 09:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Nottingham City Council is seeking tenders from sufficiently experienced and qualified suppliers for contracts for the provision of Gambling Related Harm Training Services. \r \r The procurement process consists of two lots, with the following values:\r \r Lot 1: covering Training Service to Professionals in Adult Services working with adults at increased risk of gambling related harm, to a total value of £105,000 (£35,000 per year) over the three years.\r \r Lot 2: covering Training Service to professionals working with children, young people and young adults services, to a total value of £120,000 (£40,000 per year) over the three years.\r \r Tenderers are invited to submit a tender for inclusion on any one or both of the above Lots.\r \r There will be separate contracts for each Lot and these will be evaluated separately.\r \r Lot 1\r Nottingham City Council seek an organisation to develop and deliver a training and support programme for professionals (Service Users) within services which work with groups of adults in Nottingham known to be at increased risk of gambling related harm. \r The programme will embed a Structured Method of Asking about Gambling in services, maximise reach and effectiveness of a Structured Method of Asking about Gambling, and provide opportunities for peer support and peer learning across services to support the use of a Structured Method of Asking about Gambling.\r The aims of the training and support will be to:-\r • increase service user confidence to ask about and discuss Gambling Related Harm\r • increase the number of adults in Nottingham City who are identified as being affected by Gambling Related Harm\r • increase the number of adults in Nottingham City who access gambling advice, treatment and support services.\r \r Lot 2\r Nottingham City Council seek an organisation to develop and deliver training for professionals who work with children and young people (CYP) and young adults in Nottingham. The training will increase professionals' knowledge and awareness of Gambling Related Harm, confidence and skills in identifying and responding to risks and signs of Gambling Related Harm and provide them with resources and knowledge to support affected children, young people and young adults, and those at risk of harm, to access information, advice and support.\r The aims of the service will be to:-\r • increase service user confidence to ask about and discuss Gambling Related Harm\r • increase the number of CYP and young adults who are identified as being affected by Gambling Related Harm \r • increase the number of CYP and young adults who access gambling advice, treatment and support services.\r \r The contract period is 36 months and the contract is estimated to commence 1 July 2024 and expire 30 June 2027.\r \r Further details can be found in the Tender pack.

Award Detail

1 Gambling with Lives (None)
  • Value: £225,000

CPV Codes

  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

These services are classed as residing under the Light Touch Regime and therefore does not meet the threshold of the full Public Contract Regulations 2015 for services and therefore these Regulations do not apply in full. The expenditure value also means that the full Public Contract Regulations 2015 do not apply to this procurement process. Please visit the Council's e-tendering system https://www.eastmidstenders.org where you can express interest and obtain the documents, (please note we will only accept expressions of interest through the e-tendering system). Please search for CPU6794. NOTE: All Bidders should access the 'Messages' section of the e-procurement system on a regular basis to check for any clarifications issued on this project and/or any public exchange of information between interested parties, before final submission of their bid. It is the sole responsibility of bidders to do so.

