London Boroughs’ Legal Alliance (LBLA) Barrister Framework
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 35.5 month (est.)
- Value
- £3M
- Sector
- Published
- 08 Jul 2024
- Delivery
- To 23 Jun 2027 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a

27 buyers
- Perceval House London
- London Borough of Bexley London
- London Borough of Brent Council London
- London Borough of Bromley None
- London Borough of Camden London
- Croydon Council Croydon
- London Borough of Enfield London
- Hackney Council London
- London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham London
- Haringey Council London
- London Borough of Harrow London
- London Borough of Havering London
- London Borough of Hillingdon London
- London Borough of Islington London
- London Borough of Lambeth London
- Newham Council London
- London Borough of Redbridge Ilford
- London Borough of Southwark London
- London Borough of Tower Hamlets London
- London Borough of Waltham Forest London
- Royal Borough of Greenwich London
- Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea London
- City of London Corporation London
- Westminster City Council London
- London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority London
- Slough Borough Council Slough
25 suppliers
- 11 KBW London
- 39 Essex Chambers Services London
- 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers London
- Cornerstone Chambers London
- Deka Chambers London
- Field Court Chambers London
- Landmark Chambers London
- 1 Crown Office Row Brighton
- Chambers of Mark Love London
- Thomas Bingham Chambers London
- 4 Brick Court Chambers Management Hertfordshire
- 42 Bedford Row Chambers London
- 5 Pump Court London
- Coram Chambers London
- New Court Chambers London
- 36 Group London
- Drystone Chambers London
- Foundry Chambers London
- Three Raymond Buildings London
- Five Paper London
- Francis Taylor Building Andrew Briton London
- 6 Pump Court Barrister Chambers London
- Doughty Street Chambers London
- European Administration London
- Barrister Group London
London Borough of Ealing has awarded contracts on behalf of the London Boroughs’ Legal Alliance (the “LBLA”). The contract award is for a panel of expert and experienced legal advisers as preferred suppliers of specialist advocacy and related legal services.Applicable Law - (Part V of The European Communities (Lawyer's Practice) Regulations 2000) to the extent that they regulations 6 and 10 of The Services of Lawyers and Lawyer's Practice (Revocation etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020.
Lot Division
1 | Adult Social Services 1. Adult Social Services• Mental Health• Displacement of nearest relatives (under Mental Health) in County Court;• Community care, including procurement issues relating to providers• Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty• Court of protectionFunctions of the local authority under the Care Act 2014 and relevant legislation relating tochildren (for example at transition, young carers, etc.)• Forced marriages, regardless of the age of the parties concerned (including children)• Inquests• Judicial Review;• Public Interest Immunity;• Inherent Jurisdiction;• Leaving Care;• NRPF single adults;• Continuing Health Funding including disputes and advice re Health Bodies;• Ordinary Residence Award Criteria
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2 | Children’s Services 2. Children’s Services• Care proceedings• The Children Act 1989• The Child Abduction & Custody Act• Adoption proceedings, Special Guardianship and Placement Orders• Public Interest Immunity• Judicial Review• Functions of the local authority under the Care Act 2014 and relevant legislation relating tochildren (for example at transition, young carers, etc.)• Forced marriage• Advice on international placements and placement of children in other jurisdictions• Injunctions, particularly in the context of social media campaigns involving cases, andgenerally media advice in children related matters (including social media)• Human Rights Claims• FGM• Inherent Jurisdiction & Wardship• Deprivation of Liberty (under inherent jurisdiction)• Age assessments• Private Family Cases with LA involvement e.g. s7 and s37 Children Act 1989 cases Award Criteria
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3 | Governance and Public Law 3. Governance & Public Law• Public and Administrative Law• Governance, Constitutional & Policies• Regulatory issues• Commercial & Contractual disputes, and procurement issues, including Subsidy Control• Information Law including Data Protection and Freedom of Information, EnvironmentalInformation Regulations 2004Page 10 to 33• Local Government Finance• Education, especially complex issues or issues relating to policy• Employment matters, especially complex issues or relating to senior staff• Judicial reviews on any subject matter• Any other high profile, high risk matter, that is likely to have an impact on the authority as awhole• Company Law• Establishment of Corporate Structures and Trading Vehicles, including Charities, LLPs,ABSs, CBSs and JVs Award Criteria
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4 | Criminal Litigation & Prosecutions 4. Criminal Litigation & Prosecutions• Trading Standards & Health & Safety, including food hygiene• Fraud in relation to all areas of local authority activities, including Blue Badge, social care,tenancy fraud and corporate fraud• Full range of prosecution / enforcement work undertaken by local authorities includingplanning, licensing (including HMO, Landlord, private rented sector and Housing health andsafety rating schemes licensing matters) and education and environmental crime (includingfly tipping, noise prosecutions, nuisance, ASB, policing and Care Act)• POCA• Housing Act 2004 enforcements• Appeals in Magistrates Court regarding notices under Highways Act• Appeals against noise abatement• Community protection notices• Penalty notices under Housing Act 2004• General Regulatory Law Award Criteria
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5 | Housing II.2.4) Description of the procurement5. Housing• Full range of local authority landlord & tenant matters, including advice and representation• Homelessness (including s 204’s)• Allocations• s.80 EPA• Anti-social behaviour proceedings• Injunctions• Disrepair claims• Repossession and evictions• Gas servicing access claims• Service charge disputes and Leasehold Valuation Tribunals• Advice on internal Housing Management Policies and Procedures• Public Law Defences• Mortgage repossessions• Trespasser ClaimsPage 15 to 33• Judicial review• Leasehold disputes• Public Law / Equality Act claims in relation to Housing• Houses in Multiple Occupation• Right to Buy• Housing Act 2004 disputes in the First Tier Tribunal Award Criteria
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6 | Planning 6. PlanningPage 17 to 33• Planning Appeals• Enforcement Notices including injunctions• Highways• Housing / Retail• S106 Agreements• Local Development Frameworks / Schemes• TPOs• CIL• Town & Village greens• Mixed Use Developments• CPOs• Judicial Review• Injunctions• Appropriation• Regeneration• Procurement• Other general planning advice• Permitted Development, Use Classes Order• Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas• Development Consent Order (DCO)/National Infrastructure/ Nationally SignificantInfrastructure Projects• Planning Committees and Governance• Green Belt/Village Greens Award Criteria
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7 | Property 7. Property• Commercial & residential matters• Lease renewals & forfeitures• Mediation & arbitration of commercial LL&T Disputes• Rights of Way (private & public)• Restrictive covenants & easements• Mortgages and Property Estoppels• Possession actions• Dilapidations• Mixed Use Developments• CPOs• Judicial Review• Injunctions• Appropriation• Regeneration• Procurement• Lease extensions and voluntary lease extensions, under commercial & residential matters• Utilities, including wayleaves• Telecommunications leases Award Criteria
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8 | Civil Litigation 8. Civil Litigation• Full range of claims brought against local authorities, including personal injury claims• Claims against the police (City of London especially)• Coroners work• Debt recovery• General civil litigation, including traffic matters• Commercial litigation• Social media, reputation issues generally, and issues arising from the Defamation Act• Construction litigation• Judicial Reviews• Injunctions, including s222 matters• Council tax and national non-domestic rate (business rates) matters;• Insolvency• Litigation arising out of the Electronic Communications Code and attendant legislation(including the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022)• Public Realm litigation, including Challenges in relation to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods,Traffic Management Orders, Parking, Bus Lane Enforcement and Markets Award Criteria
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9 | Employment 9. EmploymentFull range of employment matters, including but not limited to the following;• Unfair and constructive dismissal• Discrimination• Redundancy• TUPE• Pensions• Employment contract issues• Employee status• Trade union rights and industrial action• Unlawful deduction of wages• Disciplinary and Grievance matters• Recruitment and retention• Bullying, harassment and victimisation• Whistleblowing• Employee and industrial relations• Collective agreements• Agency workers• Employment & HR policies and procedures• Parental leave• Hybrid working• Confidentiality and settlement agreements• Employment Tribunal Claims• Employment Appeals Tribunal Claims• Employment Claims in the Crown Court and High Court• Judicial Mediation Award Criteria
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10 | Education 10. Education• SENDIST• Admissions• Attendance issues• Exclusion cases• Disability discrimination claims in the SENDIST Tribunal• Equalities and Human Rights, including advice and advocacy, including Transgender issues• PRU – Pupil Referral Units• School organisation, including opening and closing schools• Governance issues• Academy conversions• Complaints and disputes at school, including parental complaints• Judicial Review, including JR challenges regarding school transport• Specialist employment advice• School finance issues• Intervention powers• General Education Advice Award Criteria
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11 | Licensing 11. Licensing• Licensing Act 2003 matters, including but not limited to alcohol licensing, club licenses,stadium licenses, venue licenses, event and temporary event licenses and personal licenses• Gambling Act 2005 matters, including but not limited to betting shops, casinos and bingohalls• London Local Authorities Acts matters• Street trading (under London Local Authorities Acts, Miscellaneous Provisions Act andauthorities own street trading provisions);• Pavement licensing, including Highways licensing• Animal welfare licensing, including but not limited to licensing breeders, day care andboarding establishments and breaches of animal welfare requirements• Special Treatment licensing, including but not limited to tattooing and massage• Street collections licensing• Sex establishment licensing• Taxi licensing (outside London)• Judicial Reviews• Attendance at committees, including representation for responsible authorities and actingas legal advisor to committee• Appeals against Committee decisions, including Licensing Committees and GamblingCommittees• General licensing advice, including policy advice Award Criteria
Award Detail
1 | 11 KBW (London)
2 | 39 Essex Chambers Services (London)
3 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
4 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
5 | Deka Chambers (London)
6 | Field Court Chambers (London)
7 | Landmark Chambers (London)
8 | 1 Crown Office Row (Brighton)
9 | Chambers of Mark Love (London)
10 | Thomas Bingham Chambers (London)
11 | 4 Brick Court Chambers Management (Hertfordshire)
12 | 42 Bedford Row Chambers (London)
13 | 5 Pump Court (London)
14 | Coram Chambers (London)
15 | Deka Chambers (London)
16 | Field Court Chambers (London)
17 | New Court Chambers (London)
18 | 36 Group (London)
19 | 11 KBW (London)
20 | 39 Essex Chambers Services (London)
21 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
22 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
23 | Field Court Chambers (London)
24 | Landmark Chambers (London)
25 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
26 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
27 | Drystone Chambers (London)
28 | Foundry Chambers (London)
29 | Three Raymond Buildings (London)
30 | 42 Bedford Row Chambers (London)
31 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
32 | 5 Pump Court (London)
33 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
34 | Field Court Chambers (London)
35 | Five Paper (London)
36 | 39 Essex Chambers Services (London)
37 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
38 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
39 | Francis Taylor Building Andrew Briton (London)
40 | Landmark Chambers (London)
41 | 6 Pump Court Barrister Chambers (London)
42 | 42 Bedford Row Chambers (London)
43 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
44 | 5 Pump Court (London)
45 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
46 | Field Court Chambers (London)
47 | 42 Bedford Row Chambers (London)
48 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
49 | Doughty Street Chambers (London)
50 | Field Court Chambers (London)
51 | 36 Group (London)
52 | European Administration (London)
53 | 42 Bedford Row Chambers (London)
54 | Three Raymond Buildings (London)
55 | 4 5 Gray S Inn Square Chambers (London)
56 | Doughty Street Chambers (London)
57 | Field Court Chambers (London)
58 | 36 Group (London)
59 | Barrister Group (London)
60 | 11 KBW (London)
61 | 39 Essex Chambers Services (London)
62 | Landmark Chambers (London)
63 | 36 Group (London)
64 | Cornerstone Chambers (London)
65 | Francis Taylor Building Andrew Briton (London)
CPV Codes
- 79110000 - Legal advisory and representation services
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
- FTS 020771-2024