A Utilities Contract Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
12 Jul 2024
To 21 Aug 2029 (est.)
21 Aug 2024 17:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers


Scotland Gas Networks Plc and Southern Gas Networks Plc (together hereinafter referred to as "SGN") intends to procure a Third-Party Logistics Provider (3PL) to assist with optimisation and management of our end-to-end logistics function which includes managing Distribution Centres, overseeing inbound and outbound logistics, and implementing a robust Warehouse Management System (WMS). It also covers reverse logistics, providing fleet and courier services and managing Last Mile delivery utilising methods such as Pick-Up Drop-Off (PUDO) sites. Additionally, it involves real-time tracking of high-value assets, waste management, and disposal, along with continuous support and improvement through training and system updates, ensuring efficient, sustainable, and compliant operations for SGN. A breakdown of the scope is provided in section B5.2. The service requirements will be divided into two separate contract Lots: Lot 1 - Logistics Services and Implementation & Lot 2 - Logistics Bespoke IT Solutions. Applicants are required to indicate what Lots they are bidding for. SGN reserve the right to award Lot 1 only, or Lot 1 & 2 combined, there will be no award made for Lot 2 only. The Contracting Authority intends to conduct a Competitive Dialogue procurement in accordance with Regulation 48 of the Utilities Contract Regulations 2016. It is anticipated to be a three stage process: Stage 1 - PQQ; Stage 2 -Dialogue and Stage 3 - Final Proposals. Under the first stage of the process, applicants are required to complete a PQQ. The Applicant is issued with a PQQ including instructions, a set of qualitative questions, and corresponding minimum requirements. The top 6 highest scoring applicants will be shortlisted based on the scored questions within the PQQ (assuming that there are at least 3 suitably qualified organisations that pass the minimum criteria). Following evaluation of submitted PQQs SGN will invite the shortlisted applicants to participate in initial dialogue sessions. Following the conclusion of the Stage 1 process and SGN's assessment of the PQQ submissions, the top 6 highest scoring Applicants will be selected and Invited to Participate in the Dialogue (ITPD) process. Discussions during the dialogue stage will focus on developing solutions which effectively meet SGN's aims and ambitions for this Contract. At the end of this stage, assuming all six applicants remain in the competition, applicants will be invited to participate in submit Outline Solutions. Following evaluation, SGN reserves the right to down select applicants who scores lowest against the published criteria and remove them from the competition. Remaining applicants will then be provided with the opportunity to refine their initial solutions having received feedback, and further dialogue sessions will take place as necessary. Stage 3 will commence with a call for the final proposals when SGN are satisfied there is at least one bid that meets the needs and requirements. Following submission, applicants will be evaluated against the pre-defined evaluation criteria and SGN will seek to award to a single operator who has been identified as the most economically advantageous tenderer who will then enter the Contract(s), as further particularised in the PQQ. Further detail is included in the tender pack published with this Contract Notice and obtainable from the address set out at Section I.3. The scope of the contract will be flexible to the requirements of SGN over the life of the contract, and to functional and innovative developments in the sector during that period. The initial term will be 5 years with the option for SGN to extend by a further 3 years (in 1 year increments).

Lot Division

1 Logistics Services and Implementation

Lot 1 - Logistics Services and Implementation: >Distribution Centres, Inbound Delivery and Picking: Provision of Distribution Centres; Distribution Centre Management; Metering; Custom Invoice Packaging List; Goods Receiving and Putaway; Order Fulfilment; Storage Media (Asset Tracking); Emergencies; Warehouse Management Systems; Order Management System; Inventory Management System; Optimised Delivery >Distribution, Reverse Logistics and Waste Management: Distribution; Plant, Machinery, and Manual Handling Equipment; Reverse logistics; Special Service Requests; Waste Management; >Management and Admin: Account Management; Reporting; Regulatory & Safety Compliance; Pipe Cutting Services; Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) >Downstream (Depot and Last Mile Delivery): Stores Management and People; Depot Order Fulfilment and Picking; Pick-up Drop-off (PUDO) Sites Provision and Management; Couriers (Labour/Fleet/Management) >Mobilisation and Implementation: Onboarding and Requirements Gathering; Logistics Network Planning; Implementation >Tooling: Calibration and Maintenance; Repairs; Inventory Asset Management

2 Logistics Onsite IT Services

LOT 2 - Logistics Onsite IT Solution >IT: Engineering App; Van Inventory Management

CPV Codes

  • 63120000 - Storage and warehousing services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

