Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment [5158296]

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
15 Jul 2024
To 20 Aug 2029 (est.)
20 Aug 2024 15:00




Geochart for 8 buyers and 0 suppliers


Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment [5158296]

Lot Division

1 Microscopes and Accessories
  • Value: £821K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
2 Safety Cabinets/Fume Cupboards/Laminar Flow Cabinets
  • Value: £588K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
3 Incubators, Anaerobic Incubators/Cabinets and Workstations
  • Value: £676K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
4 Centrifuges and Cell Washers (PPM)
  • Value: £919K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
5 Centrifuges and Cell Washers (FC)
  • Value: £466K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
6 Analysers (Spectrometry, Chromatography, TB, DNA etc)
  • Value: £10M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
7 Balances/Scales
  • Value: £197K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
8 Pipettes
  • Value: £2M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
9 Nitrogen Generators
  • Value: £92K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
10 Cryogenic Equipment
  • Value: £391K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
11 Stand-Alone (Benchtop) Water Purification Systems
  • Value: £335K
Award Criteria
Social Value Consideration 10.0
Price 90.0
12 Plasma Thawers/Defrosters
  • Value: £1M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
13 Temperature Monitoring Systems
  • Value: £3M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
14 Thermal Cyclers/PCR Machines
  • Value: £2M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
15 Automated Stainer
  • Value: £896K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
16 Humidity Chamber
  • Value: £1M
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
17 Diaphragm Vacuum Pump
  • Value: £322K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
18 Benchtop Sealers and Sterile Tubing Welders
  • Value: £414K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
19 Automated Pipetting System
  • Value: £126K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
20 Hotplates and Heating Blocks
  • Value: £126K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
21 Plate Readers
  • Value: £92K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
22 Automated Coverslipper
  • Value: £460K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
23 Automated Cell Separator
  • Value: £644K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0
24 Ancillary Equipment/Laboratory Instruments
  • Value: £180K
Award Criteria
Social Value Considerations 10.0
Price 90.0

Renewal Options

Option of extending for any period(s) of up to and including 36 months

CPV Codes

  • 50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
  • 38510000 - Microscopes
  • 39141500 - Fume cupboards
  • 38434520 - Blood analysers
  • 38434570 - Haematology analysers
  • 42931100 - Laboratory centrifuges and accessories
  • 42931110 - Floor-model centrifuges
  • 71900000 - Laboratory services
  • 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
  • 71700000 - Monitoring and control services
  • 38437000 - Laboratory pipettes and accessories
  • 38434000 - Analysers
  • 38310000 - Precision balances
  • 50433000 - Calibration services
  • 42923110 - Balances


  • Bids should cover a maximum number of lots.
  • Bids may cover one or more lots.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

In section I.2 it is stated that this procurement is a joint procedure and contract award is by a Central Purchasing Body. This contract is not a joint contract, it is a Central Purchasing Body contract operated by Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics Service on behalf of the participants listed in I.1. The contracting authority will identify the most economically advantageous tender(s) (MEAT) on the basis of the Price 90% and Social Value Considerations 10%, once full compliance has been demonstrated with all of the elements of the specification and any other requirements as listed in the tender documentation. Details of the evaluation process incorporating price and compliance are provided as part of the Tender Evaluation Methodology and Marking Scheme (TEMMS) (SS20b).

