CAN: Multi-Species Laboratory ATD/GC/MS system
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Framework (Products)
- Duration
- 8.5 month
- Value
- £122K
- Sector
- Published
- 18 Jul 2024
- Delivery
- 17 Jul 2024 to 28 Mar 2025
- Deadline
- 10 May 2024 16:00

1 buyer
- National Physical Laboratory Teddington
1 supplier
- Agilent Technologies Lda Cheadle
NPL require to replace existing Automatic Thermal Desorption (ATD) instrument which is linked to a Gas Chromatograph (GC) fitted with both a Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) and a Mass Spectrometer. The replacement system will need to have the capacity to automatically analyse up to 50 industry standard Thermal desorption tubes (Perkin-Elmer type) at one time, plus to have the ability to analyse samples captured within canisters, both methods being able to measure concentrations down to parts-per-billion (ppb) or lower concentrations. The system will comprise of an ATD and GC/MS fitted with a FID, with all software and hardware for both systems being compatible with each other and not bespoke for this individual system. This linked system will need to be connected to a Perkin Elmer TotalChrom data collection system and preferably supported by a single supplier. This instrument is designed to enhance and drive forward NPL's analysis capability in measuring our existing hydrocarbons service and reporting lower uncertainties on these measurements. It will also be used to develop new methodologies to measure oxygenates and amines for carbon capture facilities at lower levels and improve detection limits of these species which is critical for our industry partners. The canister option will enable accurate measurement of odours from landfill sites or nuisance issues and coupled to the instrument will benefit the end user as the results will be more accurate and determination of complex species (measurement of unknowns) will assist our clients.
Award Detail
1 | Agilent Technologies Lda (Cheadle)
CPV Codes
- 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- tender_431994/1385260
- CF b20aaf6a-6ddf-4e36-bc30-6a5c4bc31cb4