A Addendum Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
02 Aug 2024
not specified



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Corrigendum: Added an additional NUTS Code to include Canada. Additional information detailing a Summary of Requirements. Amend Contract Notice date to January 2025

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. Interested parties to note the additional Nuts Code


3. Interested Parties are to note the following Summary of Requirements

Draft Summary of Specification: a) Manage Enquiries & Referrals - The Export Service Hub receives leads, enquiries and service requests, mainly from SMEs via International Trade Advisers (ITA) and other sources (e.g. DBT Sector teams or UK trade bodies requiring support overseas). Simple requests may be serviced directly, or appointments made for in-depth follow-up support. b) Provide Market Advice & In-Market Services - The Adviser contacts the Client and explains the services available. The adviser provides a free market diagnostic, gives access to Supplier maintained Market Intelligence and / or helps the Client with business-to-business introductions and source in-market delivery support (including the Overseas Referral Network; DBT teams overseas; UK-based DBT support and regional Business Partners). c) Follow up of services - The Adviser stays in contact with the Client (and their ITA) to track service delivery, ensure that support is fit for purpose, and identify if further help is needed. d) Overseas Referral Network Management - Eligible export support and specialist third-party advisory providers are sought for the Overseas Referral Network. Due diligence is completed on all providers and registered. Procedures are delivered for operation, maintenance and evaluation of the network and the providers on it. e) Develop & Maintain Market Intelligence Collateral - The Supplier develops and maintains Market Intelligence and materials to support dialogue with Client businesses as part of Provide Market Advice & In-Market Services. f) Manage Delivery of the Service & Reporting - The Supplier supports effective delivery of the service by managing service performance to deliver agreed targets, putting in place effective service management processes; producing performance data and management information and driving continuous improvement; managing capacity to match demand. g) Provide Digital Services, Technology & Tools - The Supplier provides Workplace IT and develops Digital Services, technology solutions and other tools to support advisers in delivering Services. h) Ensure Effective Data Security & Information Management - The Supplier develops, processes and stores data and records in compliance with Data Protection Legislation and DBT information security management requirements. The Supplier allows and supports regular audits to ensure compliance. i) Provide Facilities, Personnel, Staffing & Training - The Supplier provides appropriate facilities to support the delivery of the Service, and deploys staff resource that is appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced to deliver the required Services. j) Adhere to Standards, Working Practices & Principles - The Supplier adheres to agreed standards, working practices and principles k) Align with DBT Marketing & Branding - The Supplier aligns with DBT Marketing & Branding requirements, provides support to market the service internally to ITAs in the UK and in support of other campaigns. l) Engagement and Events - The supplier shall be responsible for managing stakeholders; collaborating with the DBT; conducting regular engagements through meetings and sharing of information and reports with stakeholders. The supplier shall also represent the service with external stakeholders at events as required. m) Additional Services - The Supplier shall have the capability to provide additional services should the Buyer request these, priced against the rate card provided by the Supplier.

4. Interested Parties are to note

Mon Jan 6 00:00:00 2025

CPV Codes

  • 79900000 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

