AMCV 323 - Preventative Services for Adults

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
13 Aug 2024
01 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2030
13 Sep 2024 11:00



Shropshire CC

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers


Shropshire Council wishes to procure a Preventative Service for adults. This service is to replace an existing contract. The Preventative Service will deliver community led support for adults ages 18+ that will help individuals to remain independent in their own home and engaged in their local community through activities that help people to stay healthy with the aim of reducing the likelihood of becoming unwell, using statutory services and/or needing to receive long term formal care and support. Equally, when people do develop care and support needs, the contract will be placed to ensure that we have a robust community led offer of support that can assist people in ways that are holistic, person centred, strengths-led and outcome focussed.

Total Quantity or Scope

Shropshire Council wishes to procure a Preventative Service for adults. This service is to replace an existing contract. The Preventative Service will deliver community led support for adults ages 18+ that will help individuals to remain independent in their own home and engaged in their local community through activities that help people to stay healthy with the aim of reducing the likelihood of becoming unwell, using statutory services and/or needing to receive long term formal care and support. Equally, when people do develop care and support needs, the contract will be placed to ensure that we have a robust community led offer of support that can assist people in ways that are holistic, person centred, strengths-led and outcome focussed. The contract will make a significant contribution to Shropshire Councils strategic intentions that are in place to support prevention and early intervention. Chiefly this in in reference to the delivery of The Shropshire Plan and also the more recently agreed Prevention Framework which provides more context and detail for how we will deliver our strategic plans. Furthermore, the framework emphasises the importance of taking forward approaches that are neighbourhood led. This means joining up local services in the community and fostering community connections so that everyone in a neighbourhood can thrive. Providing more services closer to home and taking a neighbourhood approach is at the heart of our wider vision to improving wellbeing and preventing illness and poor health. In conjunction and as part of these priorities, the contract will play a pivotal role in redefining the adult social care ‘front door’ by strengthening the layer of community led support that sits ahead of First Point of Contact and the operational adult social care workforce, thus managing demand more effectivity. This approach develop the ways in which people access information (online or otherwise) in order to build knowledge, provide guidance and create greater self-reliance. As a guideline, the current service delivers support to approximately 9000 per quarter. This can be broken down by: •Practical help in the home (cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc) = 975 people •Befriending / friendship support = 532 people •Support for activities aimed at keeping well and active = 7620 people In addition, this new contract will incorporate: •Support to aid successful discharge from hospital, aiding in reablement •Community led Mental Health outreach support, to include peer support and training that enables individuals with poor mental health to access the breath of provision available through the contract The provider will be expected to manage any increase in demand within the contract value. Given the breadth of experience and range of activity required to meet our outcomes, we would welcome proposals which bring together a number of organisations to deliver this service. This may be a formal or informal partnership, a consortium, a lead provider / sub-contractors arrangement or similar. Additionally, the Council recognises the importance of the strong brand, identity and recognition that individual organisations have and a solution which retains choice for people within the contracting arrangement is desirable. The maximum budget available for this contract is initially £1,072,630 per annum. The contract will be for an initial term of 5 years with an option to extend the contract by a further 2 years subject to contract performance and budget availability. Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here:

Renewal Options

This contract can be extended for a further period of 2 years

Award Criteria

Quality 80
Price 20

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Technical restrictions apply.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. This tender is under the light touch regime and as such the following process will be followed: 1.The Council will issue a Contract Notice – this is the start of the procurement process and will set out the Council’s requirements, the process to be followed, key timescales, how to access tender documentation and how to submit tenders. It is very important that key dates are noted and any instructions for submitting tenders are followed, otherwise your tender may be disqualified. 2.Tenderers will submit their tender by no later than the ‘Initial Tender Closing Date’. All required documentation must be completed and submitted including the Tender Response document, Instructions for Tendering and any attachments. 3.The Council will review the initial tenders as follows: a.The Selection Criteria ‘Pass/Fail’ questions. These questions seek to demonstrate that the tenderer has proven competency, financial stability, resources and other arrangements in place. If the tenderer fails any Mandatory Exclusion grounds their tender will not be accepted. If the tenderer fails any Discretionary Exclusion grounds their tender may not be accepted. In the event that a tender is not accepted at this stage it will not progress to any subsequent stages of the process. b.If the Selection Criteria have been passed, the Award Criteria marked and weighted questions including Financial Sustainability, Quality, Social Value and Climate Change questions will be reviewed and scored according to the published marking scheme. 4.Following review and scoring of the Award Criteria the Council will invite the top scoring tender(s) which best meet the Council’s requirements to participate in the next stage of the process. As a guide the Council expects to invite 3 tenders to participate in the next stage but the Council has the discretion to invite more or less than 3 to participate further. Any tenders not invited to participate further at this point will be advised that their tender has not been accepted. 5.If the Council, in its sole opinion, considers the leading (highest scoring) initial tender to be acceptable at this point, it may decide to accept that tender and proceed to notify its intention to award a contract to that tenderer. 6.If the Council wishes to proceed to further discussions with the maximum three remaining tenders it will invite them to take part in at least one discussion each with a view to improving their initial tender. Should additional discussions be required by either party these will take place with the proviso that all further discussions should be completed within 4 weeks of the date of the invitation to take part in such discussions. 7.Once all further discussions have been concluded the remaining 3 tenderers shall be given 3 weeks to submit their final tender. 8.The Council will then review final tenders against the Award Criteria only to determine which tender has achieved the highest score and therefore will be invited to enter into a contract for delivery of the services Tender placed w/b 12th Aug Initial tender closing date 13th September Initial tender review – 2 weeks 16th – 27th September 4 week dialogue period 30th Sept – 25th October Submission of final tenders by 15th November For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: To respond to this opportunity, please click here: GO Reference: GO-2024813-PRO-27384110

